Building a thriving marriage doesn’t happen by accident. And when trust has been broken and the relationship severed, it’s easy to think all hope is lost. Rick and Sara explain how they reconciled their relationship with God and with one another.
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Jo-Marie on June 25, 2015 at 4:01 am
Congrats Sarah and Rick! Couldn’t help but cry as I heard your testimony.
I’m standing for the restoration of my marriage. My husband has turned away from God and me. It has been 5 long years. I would be lying if I said all is fine as a single mother of two young children. Every weekend when my husband visits us, it is a constant reminder of how he has chosen another woman over me and our children. We are not divorced but live separately. We attend church on Sundays and pretend that all is fine. This is how he prefers it. He says he doesn’t owe anyone any explanation and is not prepared to change his mind. I have come to the realisation that my husband needs God more than he needs me. With a heavy heart I pray for his salvation daily.
Barbara @ Words to Live By on June 25, 2015 at 9:54 am
We’re so glad that Rick & Sara’s story touched you, Jo-Marie. I’m sorry to hear about your own difficult circumstances, though, and the Words to Live By team is lifting you up in prayer for God’s comfort, provision, and strength!
src on March 24, 2016 at 12:23 pm
I am going through divorce. My wife after 23+ years says she wants a divorce. Like Rick, i wasn’t that great of a husband. I wasn’t horrible, i didn’t abuse or have multiple affairs etc… but i didn’t treat her the way i always really wanted to. i didn’t help out that much around the house, etc. i found out just a few months ago, i have depression. it runs in my family. My dad, sister, and grandfather all had it. so i am working on it… . i do not want this divorce and i am praying daily and nightly for God to intervene. She doesn’t want to try counseling etc. i wish i could do my life over… i realized how i was, and what i was…. i am just praying… PRAYING it isn’t too late. She has filed, but it is not final. WE have court April 18th. she is everything to me. we have 5 beautiful kids (all teens now) we built a lifetime together. I started to go to church 2 weekends before she told me she wanted a divorce. TWO WEEKENDS>>> i love her with everything i have…. and i really want to stay together…
comalley on March 26, 2016 at 6:59 am
src, We are so sorry for your pain. Going through an unwanted divorce is so difficult. We pray with you that your wife may reconsider and that God may intervene. It can certainly be very helpful to find a good Christian counselor for you. We have an upcoming story that deals with this very subject. I pray you will continue to listen to Words to Live By and that God will provide the wisdom and discernment to know when to speak and when to allow others to process their emotions. We’ve seen it time and time again, that God can heal brokenness in marriage. Sometime not as fast as we would like, but in His own way and time. Here is another story that may be of encouragement to you. We will be praying for you in the days ahead. Cherie and the Words to Live By team.
Jeff on September 26, 2016 at 3:34 pm
My story is similar to Rick’s, however I had multiple affairs. The Lord had been calling me to drop everything and to follow Him over the past few years, especially this past year, but I turned away and ran; I thought I could do things my way, I thought I could “fix” our marriage on my own. I strayed from the Lord and ignored Him too long, so He took everything away to get my attention. Everything I ever cared about, our two boys, all my future dreams, everything that He allowed us to build together over 19+ years, is gone because I wouldn’t get on my knees and follow Him and surrender my all to Him. I made the mistakes and the poor choices and have no one to blame but myself, but I can’t see this as His plan, His will, after 19 years of marriage and 21 years together with two kids. I don’t want the divorce, but she has had enough, which is understandable. I feel as if He is telling me there is more to this, that He has a plan, but it’s so hard to be patient and to persevere and to Hear Him clearly with all the noise in my head right now. Satan is really nipping at me right now too. But God is helping me clean up my sin, and is helping me to hide His word in my heart…so that I may not sin against Him. I still love her with all my heart and He has filled me with His love for her. It feels as if this may be my punishment I now have to live with for the rest of my life – loving her as He does, but without being able to. I read I Corinthians 7:10-11 this morning during my quiet time. Then I came across this story, which references that same verse. Maybe God is speaking to me, telling me to trust in Him, to hope in Him and His power. But I just don’t know what to think or do – it’s so much harder than anyone could ever imagine. I know she still loves me, and that she doesn’t believe in divorce, but she has had enough – she is so tired of fighting for us. I feel she has closed her heart to reconciliation, not just for me, but to God as well. Please pray that God will open her heart to reconciliation and work a miracle in our marriage and restore it and use it to Glorify His name. If divorce is His will, then pray that He will give us peace and comfort about it and use it to restore us as individuals.
comalley on September 27, 2016 at 8:01 am
Hi Jeff, Thank you so much for sharing your heart. We too pray for repentance, reconciliation and restoration for your marriage. I am listing a couple of other Words to Live By programs below that may also minister to your heart. There are also websites listed as both stories are involved in marriage restoration ministries. I pray these are helpful to you. If you have any trouble locating the websites please write back. Blessings in Christ Jesus, Cherie
From Shattered to Secure –
God’s miraculous restoration of a marriage torn apart by sin –