Following Kevin’s search for truth, he made the decision to follow Christ wholeheartedly; a choice that changed his life forever! Be encouraged by how much impact a transformed life like Kevin’s—and yours—can have on those around you.
We would like to thank Maranatha Bible & Missionary Bible Conference in Muskegon, Michigan, for partnering with us on this week’s story.
Elizabeth on July 10, 2015 at 10:16 am
We have an 18 year old with autism and he is also non-verbal so I could relate to this! We also recognize that he is an incredible blessing from the Lord, along with the difficulties that his disability brings. The Lord always provides.
Thank you for sharing this testimony.
Andina on July 13, 2015 at 10:07 pm
Thanks for your testimony. It is bring me a hope for our autistic son. How an autistic child can get to know Jesus and his love, he himself is difficult to recieve advice dan briefed. He already considered the world hostile and hostile the world as well. thanks