Kodjo and Volodya lived in very different parts of the world, yet both shared a belief in Christ that was tested to the limits of human endurance. Even torture and persecution could not stop these two men from sharing their faith. Be encouraged as you share the love of Jesus Christ with others and step out in faith.
We would like to thank WVNE Radio in Worcester, Massachusetts, for partnering with us on this week's program.
Inspired on September 15, 2015 at 11:51 am
Just heard the story concerning Kodjo. Just powerful testimony. Kodjo kept his faith in God and allowed God to use him, in turn in Kodjo’s faith, God protected him (as Kodjo had mentioned, his tormentors usually shoot and kill their victims, for him, they set him on fire and left which allowed him to seek assistance and provide as much aid as possible). Kodjo kept his faith in relocating to the U.S., having assistance to find shelter, and allowing financial assistance to have the financial means to stay at his shelter and to bring his family here as well. I was actually on the verge of tears, when I concluded that Kodjo had died from cancer, but his faith will not be forgotten, and he was rewarded on earth and he will be rewarded in Heaven as well. Also have to recognize the people God placed in Kodjo’s life that each of them allowed God to used them to help him in his journey. Their faith was strong, because they barely knew him, but they welcomed him with resources, currency, and love. Volodya’s story reminds me of Acts, where Roman leaders commanded the disciples not to preach the Gospel of Jesus to others (These are the leaders who did not believe in Jesus and thought blasmeny when Jesus declared He is the son of God), the leaders did not want to persecute the disciples (because of fear from the people) but threatened to throw them in prison if they continued speaking the Gospel. However, the disciples continued speaking the Gospel, declaring that they must honor God and not man. This is what Volodya and his team are doing. They are continuing to spread the word of Christ in spite of the threat they are receiving. They are honoring God and not man. Thank you for the stories.
Barbara @ Words to Live By on September 16, 2015 at 8:20 am
Thanks for your kind comments and encouragement! We hope the stories shared on Words to Live By will, indeed, inspire people to know their lives can be transformed through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and by the life-changing wisdom of the Scriptures. ~ Barbara
Ed on October 2, 2015 at 9:16 am
An old hymn comes to mind; I Stand amazed in the presence of JESUS, the Nazerene, and wonder how he could love me, a sinner condemed unclean, How wonderful , how marvelous, and my song shall ever be….. Reading the devotional today and others, the wonder of variety of GODS dealing with each of us with such variety of testings and solutions. Should the LORD permit it I will be 90 years old in the spring, having begun my walk with GOD at the age of 13 having over a dozen broken bones, 14 surgeties two heart attacks, plus several other trying times. Yet as the chorus says Through it all, I, ve learned to trust in JESUS, I, ve learned to trust in GOD. TO HIM be praise.