A violent, abusive marriage and unrelenting drug addiction left Sharry homeless and estranged from her family. Discover how God brought healing to Sharry and her entire family through the support of a church and local mission.
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clyde on December 4, 2015 at 1:52 am
Ms.Sharrys’ story I can relate to a lot. I was “Homeless” more than once, but through Gods’ “Grace” and ” Mercy” he brought me off the streets. I am a “Recovering Alcoholics” clean a Sober for 6 yrs. Only by Gods’ “Grace” and Mercy”. Thank you God for having mercy on a Sinner like me. Now God is my Number 1 employer. I am not “Perfect” but iam on this “Journey” for life through Gods’ grace. God has been so good to me, and i have made a “Covenant” with God. This will NEVER Changed, regardless of my inperfections. But i am grateful to God. One day at a time. Thank you God and God bless Ms.Sharry for ” ETERNITY”.
Barbara @ Words to Live By on December 7, 2015 at 9:10 am
Clyde–thank you so much for your response to Sharry’s story and for sharing a bit of your journey as well. We’re joining you in praising God for your six years of sobriety and for your passionate commitment in following Jesus. I also appreciate your reminder that God IS our employer, no matter what our job is or what company we work for! ~ Barbara
reesawilly1 on December 5, 2015 at 1:54 pm
Thank you for your testimony. It has indeed bless me and makes me more even more zealous to serve god.
I’ve been abused sexually, physically and for years I lived with that guilt and shame. I made so many bad choices in my life.
But the last mistake I made sent me into the arms of God earlier this year and his unending love is not failing me and has filled that emptiness in me.
Because of Jesus Christ I live again and I’m thankful to him for all that he has done for me.
Thank you again for your testimony and for blessing me today.
Barbara @ Words to Live By on December 7, 2015 at 9:18 am
I am so sorry to hear of the heartache you’ve endured, reesawilly1. Praise God, though, that what the enemy meant to destroy you with instead was the catalyst to drive you into the arms of the Savior! I hope you have a wonderful “first” Christmas as a follower of Christ. ~ Barbara
Inspire on December 7, 2015 at 1:25 pm
What a beautiful story. I am glad this had a happy ending. Thank you, Sharry for sharing your testimony. Thank you Clyde and reesawilly1 for your testimony as well. God was present the whole time through Sharry’s trial and tribulation and when she had no where else to turn and called on Jesus, He was already there ready to take her out of the situation and guided her towards GOD who is the only one that provide the peace that we seek.
The only part of the story that troubled me was when Sharry had indicated that in her community (through her trial period) that a lot of the children were being cared for and raised by single mothers because none of the Fathers were present. Being a Father myself, that disappointed me to hear because that sends out a negative perspective of us. My father has been there for me and I try to be there for my children as well. I am working to communicate with some Father’s I know and explain the importance of our relationship with our children. I am trying to always be improving in my relationship with my kids because they won’t be “kids” for long so each day matters.
Thank you again for this story
pam on December 8, 2015 at 7:47 am
Knowing the beautiful soul Sharry is now, makes this testimony all the more amazing!
Sheila on February 26, 2016 at 9:20 pm
What a very inspirational life. It is so comforting. God bless my cousin Sharry.
Barb on February 26, 2016 at 11:15 pm
I have never met Sharry personally but she has been a wonderful blessing to me over the last two years and I thank God for her everyday. Sharry is proof of God’s love mercy.