For most of us it’s impossible to imagine being fifteen years old and lured into a world of human trafficking. This was Leslie’s life for more than twenty years until she prayed a desperate prayer—one that Jesus answered in a powerful and profound way. Be inspired by Leslie’s courageous story as God uses her to reach out to others ensnared in prostitution.
Find out more about Leslie's story and ministry by visiting her website, Sacred Beginnings.
Angela on January 31, 2016 at 9:23 am
Listening to Leslie’s story I’m in tears. I wish I could have hugged her as a child.
Marvin on January 31, 2016 at 4:16 pm
Your program is one of my favorites on Christian radio (WRVM). You say I can download the programs in PDF but I don’t see where I can do that. Please help. Thanks, Marvin
comalley on February 1, 2016 at 9:03 am
Hi Marvin,
You can find a PDF of the resource “Why? Seeing God in Our Pain” offered with Leslie’s story, not the actual story itself.
I pray this is helpful.
Blessings, Cherie
reesawilly1 on February 4, 2016 at 8:43 am
Leslie, I really wish that I could meet you. You have inspired me with your testimony to show that god is indeed real and that he forgives us of all our sin and can take any brokenness and make something beautiful. I remember when I was at my lowest and wanted to die and I heard two voices, One saying kill yourself and the other saying its now or never. I was so desperate that I looked for a Joyce Myers positive quote book I had, and in that book was a bookmark for a church I had visited the year before and I called the pastor in tears saying I was tired of the hurt, pain and disappointments. He prayed for me, but the Sunday night I went to church and they had communion and testimony night and I was going to say something and then I changed my mind. I heard my daughter said mommy are you not going up there and I just got up and poured my heart out to the church. That was on the 11th of January 2015 and the Friday of that week the 17th of January 2015, I visited the pastor and he led me to the lord and my life changed that day.
A week later I was home crying because the hurt was still much there and I remember listening to a song by Laura story, make something beautiful and I said to God, make my tears into something beautiful and he has and still doing. Your story and mine is similar and I can relate to you in so many ways but GOD is awesome and I give him all the glory because now I can say that I’m healed. I’m happy to hear that you are walking in the Lord’s will and that you are helping other ladies to get through their ordeal as they you to bring your story and what Christ has done in your life. God bless and continue the good work. The Lord has certainly turned your tears into something beautiful.
Barbara @ Words to Live By on February 5, 2016 at 10:44 am
Dear reesawilly1,
Thank you for sharing part of your own story with us here. We’ll be sure to pass this along to Leslie and will lift you up in prayer! ~ Barbara