As a wife, Carol experienced her worst fear: her husband’s infidelity. Learn how Carol found life after adultery. And not just life, but abundant life. Discover hope after heartbreak.
Basics Of Faith
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Joe on March 19, 2017 at 3:35 pm
This message really has helped me in this time of my life. Thank you. May God continue to bless your monistry. God is getting me through this through prayers and the Holy Spirit.
Linda on March 19, 2017 at 4:00 pm
Very sad and encouraging story. It puzzled me that it was not specified if Carol’s ex husband was saved or not. I think it would help listener’s grasp more of the motive behind the husband’s betrayal. As I write this , it appears to me that he wasn’t, because a truly saved man wouldn’t go to a topless bar to the best of my understanding of what the Bible says: by their fruits, you will know true believer’s, meaning a true believer will sometimes sin, but repent. At the very beginning of the story Carol mentioned how she gave her life to Christ.
Stephen on March 20, 2017 at 12:02 pm
Agree with Linda. Both a sad and encouraging story. We are going through similar here. My sons wife of six years walked out on him. He’s devastated. I pray God will bring him through. God bless.
Inspired on March 21, 2017 at 2:15 pm
Thank you for sharing this. I am glad for Carol and her kids. It was a devastating experience for them, and I’m sure it was a struggle to get past it, but it seems that they had faith in the Lord and Trusted God to get them past this and to continue to move them forward. I’m glad Carol communicated with her kids and reminded them that they were not at fault for what happened but Carol did not also berate the ex-husband either in front of them. She made sure the kids respected their dad regardless. Carol did not blame herself either. She allowed a period of sadness and disappointment, then she moved forward seeking God’s assistance.
We don’t know if the ex-husband was/is saved. His actions described in the story does not determine his standing on eternal life. We just know he had struggle in his sin and concluded the grass was greener on the other side where he forfeited his responsibility and accountability of his wife and his kids and the covenant he made with God. We can only pray that he is or will find Christ and live only for Him. But meanwhile, continue to pray for Carol and her kids that we will continue to seek Christ and continue to allow Him to order their steps.
Riveka on April 13, 2017 at 11:45 am
Does anyone know her full name? I would like to look up her work.
comalley on April 14, 2017 at 8:59 am
Thank you for being a part of our Words to Live By family Riveka. With Carol’s authorization, here is the link to her website: May her ministry of counseling be a blessing to you. Cherie
Geoff on June 15, 2017 at 11:02 am
My wife discovered my adulterous affair, this past January. I knew I was sinning and during the affair I remember calling out to God that I knew what I was doing and since I was too far gone into sin, there was no reason for me to stop. I had no idea that there is no such thing as “too far gone”. I regret and am sorry for the pain I’ve caused and am ashamed of my past. Since my sin was called out, a friend invited me to church within a few weeks, I knew that God was missing in my life and I was being convicted every week.
I have since been saved and baptized and I continue to work on me with Christ by my side. I am hopeful that God will restore our marriage, but understand that it may not happen. I don’t know how to approach my wife and talk to her about this for fear of rejection. Early on she told me, there is no way she can trust me and I don’t know how to approach the subject now. It has been almost 5 months and I’m doing great with my faith, but I cannot share any of this with her because I don’t want her to think that I’m doing it just to win her back. And if I tell her about what I’ve been doing through Christ, I’m afraid it’ll sound disingenuous.
Who I am now is not who I was.
I really want to work this out, but don’t know where to start.
comalley on June 28, 2017 at 10:17 am
Hi Jeff, We pray for you as you attempt to reconcile with your wife. Following are some resources that may provide some help. Her is a link to a similar Words to live By program dealing with infidelity. This is a link to one of our study booklets that may also help in moving forward: Also, perhaps Dr. Carol could assist you as you work toward reconciliation? Here is the link to her website: May her ministry of counseling be a blessing to both you and your wife. ~ Cherie