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Articles by doconnor

God is enough

Is God really enough? In the face of losing a child, the grief can feel overwhelming. But as Mindy and Arlen found, God is more than enough. Discover God’s comfort and security for whatever you’re facing, even when you grieve.


Since the time Arlen's story was recorded, Hannah's cancer has returned.  She has just completed a round of chemotherapy…

People don’t understand—I was trapped

Imagine being a vulnerable fifteen-year-old, lured into prostitution and drugs. This was
Leslie’s world for more than twenty years until she prayed a desperate prayer, one that
Jesus answered with a new life filled with freedom and joy. Be inspired by Leslie’s
courageous story.

Out of the dust

Before Chris and Stephanie ever recorded an album, they were just two college students
in love. But soon life and marriage became complicated, filled with uncertainties that were
pulling them apart. Hear an amazing story about God’s redemptive power that restored
their marriage.

From Shattered to Secure

As a wife, Carol experienced her worst fear: her husband’s infidelity. Learn how Carol found life after adultery. And not just life, but abundant life. Discover hope after heartbreak.

Sweet surrender

When John entered Harvard Business School his highest ambition was to retire at age
40. Dan reached his own incredibly lofty goals but something was still missing from his
life. Find out how God called both John and Dan to something much bigger than what
they could ever have planned for themselves.

God has not forgotten you

Because of sin, the Bible says that we are alienated from God. But as Amanda and Kathryn discovered, God’s love is reaching out to those who are farthest from Him, even those behind prison bars.

Trusting God’s plan when we’re hurting

There are times in our lives when we’re reminded of just how much we need God. That’s what Amanda experienced when her daughter Chloe was born prematurely, and it’s what Erin and Jason faced even as Jason slipped into a coma. Hear how God brings healing and peace to broken hearts.

Living a "double-life" is no life at all

When Adam and Eve sinned, their first instinct was to run and hide! That was
their natural response and it was Chad’s natural response, too. Chad shares
how despite his life of secrecy and deception, God never gave up on him.

Restoration of our brokenness

Pornography is one of the most common addictions in our world today, ensnaring millions and destroying countless marriages. But Jon and Nicole discovered hope and healing in Christ. They share how God’s forgiveness and restoration changed their marriage forever.

You are worthy, you are loved

The pain of rejection can lead us to feel trapped by our sin and circumstances. But the beauty of Christ’s sacrifice is that we are always loved by God. That’s the truth that Becky experienced in her life too!


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