Category  |  God

Finding peace in the midst of war

As a World War II soldier serving in France, Henry survived a devastating injury and imprisonment. Don't miss this harrowing story of Henry’s escape from a POW camp and how a dying man’s last words spurred this American soldier to consider eternity. Discover how the power of prayer and a God who intervenes can impact your own journey.

A love that restores

Isaiah chapter 61 promises that the Lord will provide comfort for those who mourn and restore broken lives with “a crown of beauty instead of ashes.” Both Beckie and Barbara Jean’s hearts had been deeply wounded by abuse and shame. Discover how their lives were transformed through Jesus Christ and how they found healing and freedom from the past.

You are not alone

When a difficult situation threatens to drag us down, we can either let ourselves fall or surrender to the only One who can hold us up. Learn how both Mary Ann and Pat found a lifeline in God’s Word when it felt like their worlds were falling apart. Find peace and joy when trying circumstances come your way.

His chosen child

Did you know that the Creator of the universe wants to adopt you to be His very own? Ephesians chapter one, verse five, says that God “predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ.” After being adopted at a young age by a loving family, it wasn’t hard for Judy to understand that truth. Discover how you too can…

Nothing can separate us from the love of God

On this edition of Words to Live By you’ll hear stories from two women who desperately needed the assurance of God’s love in the midst of their pain. The childhood abuse that caused brain trauma thrust LaKisha into a lifelong battle with clinical depression. And Amy’s family cared for her mother, who struggled with
schizophrenia. Discover how they learned that nothing…

“I’ve been unfaithful” – Forgiving infidelity

Even good marriages are not immune from adultery. Like a thief in the night, it can steal,
kill, and destroy. The reality is that most couples don’t survive an adulterous affair. But
some, like Gary and Mona, do. Find out how a decision to stay and a commitment to be
honest with God and each other allowed this marriage to survive infidelity.

From shattered to secure

As a wife, Carol experienced her worst fear, her husband’s infidelity. And while it caused deep emotional pain for her and her three sons, she would discover that there is life after adultery. And not just life; but abundant life. One that’s filled with God’s redemptive purposes. Discover hope after heartbreak. And how nothing can separate you from God’s love.

Finding freedom from the trap of pornography

Pornography is an addiction that is easily fueled in our sex-saturated culture. Lives
unraveled by a lure so strong it has the power to destroy families and ruin lives. Jerry’s
and Mickey’s addictions had cost each of them dearly. But there is a power that is so
much greater and offers hope to those struggling with this destructive habit. Learn how
God’s grace, and the accountability of others, helped both men to find the freedom they
desperately sought.

A Life Rewritten

Fourteen-year-old Marissa loved riding horses and playing competitive soccer. But when
a quick visit to her doctor revealed a life-threatening disease, her family’s world was
turned upside down. Discover how a medically unprecedented gift would give life to this
young woman struggling to survive. It’s a steadfast kind of faith that works through love.
Learn how that same faith can transform your own life.

When God says no

Life doesn’t always go as planned. Most of the time we can adjust and simply roll with the punches. But how do we cope when our deepest dreams are crushed? Sheridan and Merryn tell their story of infertility, broken dreams, and God’s faithfulness through it all.

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