Category  |  Jesus Christ

What happens when two people are in love but their religious backgrounds collide?–Gerrie & Clyde’s Story, Part 1

What happens when two young people are in love but their religious backgrounds collide?

A fresh perspective on the Christmas spirit–Daniel Schaeffer’s Story

We often go into the holiday season with high expectations, putting pressure on ourselves to make this year better than the last . . .

Easter, Resurrection–Words To Live By Easter Special

The New Testament book of Ephesians chapter 5, verse 19 encourages us to “Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord.” On this special Easter edition of Words To Live By, the story of the Lord Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection is told from the gospel of John along with music of the greatest story ever told.

Christmas, God's Provision

Join us for this special presentation of Christmas stories from the pages of Our Daily Bread. . .

The power of persevering in prayer–Emily’s Story

Emily had been praying for her unsaved husband for 27 years. When he was diagnosed with cancer, would he finally acknowledge his need for a Savior?

Cross, Salvation–Ernie's Story

Born into an orthodox Jewish family, Ernie sought God through the reading of the Old Testament . . .

Salvation, Jesus Christ–Dawna's Story

If you knew very little about Jesus and heard portions about his life--that Jesus was born of a virgin, that He turned water into wine, that He was raised from the dead--what would your reaction be?  

Salvation, Trials–Rachel's Story

In her homeland of China, Rachel faced many obstacles in her desire to know more about Jesus . . .

Salvation, Religion–Sam’s Story

Sam was faced with the tension between what his friends were telling him about Jesus Christ and the religious heritage he based his identity on . . .

Cross, Salvation–Ernie’s Story

Ernie’s family bore scars of suffering from the Holocaust. His Jewish heritage would be...

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