Depression, Salvation–Kathy's Story
Kathy grew up in Hungary, a country brutalized under Communist rule. After fleeing to the United States in 1956, she found freedom from oppression. But it wasn’t long before Kathy fell victim to another form of captivity—addiction. In this inspiring edition of “Words To Live By,” you’ll hear about the true Source of freedom.
Salvation, Trials–Gary's Story
When Gary was sentenced to twenty years in prison, he thought his life was over. But God had other plans. Perhaps you or someone you love has been struggling and thinks life isn’t worth living. Don’t miss Gary’s inspirational story of redemption.
Find out how releasing the past can give you a whole new future–Karen's Story
Guilt has a way of festering. If we’re not careful, the pain from our poor choices rots us away inside, leading to deep resentment. Karen describes how she was released from the weight of the past and given a whole new future.
Trials, Salvation–Francis's Story
In the United States it’s not uncommon to find multiple churches in any given city. But in many parts of the world, men and women must practice their religion in secret—in order to stay alive. That was the case for Francis in Uganda. Hear his dramatic story of escape from religious persecution in this inspiring edition of “Words To Live By.”
Family, Salvation–Shawn's Story
Where you’ve come from or what you’ve done doesn’t have to determine who you are or who you’ll become. Even though Shawn was raised by a single father in the ghettos of Chicago, the disadvantages he faced didn’t prevent him from discovering his true value in Jesus Christ.
Can God break through even the hardest of hearts?–Gene's Story
Gene spent years pushing God away and claiming He didn’t exist. Yet over time, the emptiness inside his heart became more than Gene could bear. Find out how God can break through even the hardest of hearts.
Addiction, Salvation–Janet's Story
Janet knew of God’s love but it seemed far away as her circumstances overwhelmed her. The search for something or someone who could offer love and consistency began at an early age and followed her into adulthood. The meaning, purpose, and hope she’d been looking for was finally found at a time and in a place she never expected.
Salvation, Justification–Marshall's Story
Marshall’s life was spiraling out of control. As he moved further and further into addiction . . .
Salvation, Jesus Christ–Dawna's Story
Even when we deny Him, God remains nearby--ready and willing to extend His love . . .
Salvation, Holiness–Mark's Story
Mark didn’t feel as if he had the “credentials” to be part of what he viewed as the “exclusive club” of Christianity . . .