Category  |  Attitudes

Nothing can separate us from the love of God

On this edition of Words to Live By you’ll hear stories from two women who desperately needed the assurance of God’s love in the midst of their pain. The childhood abuse that caused brain trauma thrust LaKisha into a lifelong battle with clinical depression. And Amy’s family cared for her mother, who struggled with
schizophrenia. Discover how they learned that nothing…

Will my faith sustain me?

For Karen and Mark, sharing a hospital room on their second wedding anniversary was not how they envisioned they would celebrate this special day. The recurrence of her husband’s cancer and the discovery that she had leukemia would test her beliefs to the core, leading her to ask, “Is my faith real? Will it sustain me through this painful journey?” Discover the power of God to bring peace even in the midst of hardship and heartache.

After you say “I do…”

The idea of “cutting your losses and moving on” may work in the business world but it’s
an unhealthy mindset in a marriage. Shane and Tricia were on the brink of divorce when
they changed their minds, deciding to give their marriage another try. Then, after their
second child was born, an even bigger decision would change Shane’s life forever and
soon after, Tricia’s life as well. Discover the power of God to transform lives and a marriage.

Can I know for certain I’ll go to heaven?

For Lavonne and Joe, the sudden death of their daughter caused them to reexamine what they had been taught about heaven. Do believers need to keep getting saved or is it a once-and-for-all proposition? For Jack and Leann, being heaven-bound was tied to being a faithful churchgoer. But was that enough to satisfy God? How to have the assurance of salvation and the hope of heaven.

Imprisoned by choice

After her daughter was killed, God led Edith to help other mothers of murdered children. But years later, she was called to do the unimaginable: minister to those in prison who committed murder. Leonard was raised in a Christian home but made poor choices, the last one landed him behind bars . . . for life. But he soon discovered that no place is too dark for the light of God’s love to shine through. Discover the power of forgiveness.

"It ain't over 'til it's over" – Ed Dobson's Story

When Ed heard the diagnosis that he had only two to five years to live, he was forced to examine what he truly believed about God. But over a decade has passed since he received that death sentence, and he knows the Lord still has plans for him. Discover how Ed learned to live in the present where faith is found rather than in the future where fear resides. Find insight and inspiration for whatever trials come your way.

Where refuge can be found – Gary’s Story & Donald & Theresa’s Story

At age 67, Gary’s dream of climbing Mt. Everest came to an abrupt end when an unexpected sickness forced him off the mountain. But just when he thought he was safe, a massive earthquake hit Nepal. Lost in the darkening woods, Donald and Theresa share their family’s intense story of God’s provision in the midst of deadly circumstances. Discover how…

A broken heart mended – Gerard's Story

Gerard was a gifted athlete, successful businessman, and the head of a prominent Christian ministry. But nothing he had accomplished could prepare him for the death of his teenage son. Discover how God’s grace carried Gerard through his season of pain and grief.

To learn more about Gerard's ministry, please click here

Blood is blood: Living sacrificially – Sally’s Story

The love of Jesus transcends all barriers including those of race and gender. Sally explains why she donated a portion of her liver to a complete stranger and what she learned about God as a result. We would like to thank WNIV in Atlanta, Georgia, for partnering with us on this week's program.

Sensing God’s power and presence through adversity–Debbie’s Story

Life doesn’t always go as we expect. Perhaps you’re overcoming a difficult childhood, or your marriage is struggling and you don’t know where to turn. Hear how Debbie experienced God’s love and provision in the midst of some challenging obstacles.

Find out more of what the Bible says about "It's Not Fair." This study booklet replaces our previous booklet entitled…

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