Category  |  Trials

Prayer, Adversity–Joanna's Story

Even as a child, Joanna knew that Jesus would never leave her, and that the love and strength of her parents would always be there. These assurances would grow in their significance when an accident changed her life forever.  How do you handle those unexpected moments when life seems cruel? Hear how God answered Joanna's prayers in a way she never imagined.

How God's Word provided comfort to a life turned upside down–Carol's Story

Though at times it certainly feels that way, we’re not alone in our suffering. When Carol heard the diagnosis of breast cancer, her life was turned upside down. Perhaps you or someone you love is going through a similar trial. Hear how Scripture brings rejuvenation when our prospects look bleak . . .

Finding faith in the midst of heart-wrenching news–Scott & Penni's Story

How do parents prepare themselves to lose a child? When Scott and Penni married, they had no idea they would face such heart-wrenching news. Their story will help you find direction and hope for whatever you may be facing . . .

Trials, Trust–Kodjo's Story

During a horrendous period of torture and persecution in his West African homeland . . .

Health, Trials–Chris and Debbie's Story

When an unexpected illness blindsided Chris and Debbie . . .

Comfort, Health–Carrie's Story

We often think if we “do the right thing,” or live by all the rules, we’ll escape the difficulties of life. Unfortunately, that’s just not the way life works . . .

Find the renewed hope and healing only Christ gives–Katrina's Story

You’ve heard it said, “When it rains . . . it pours!” Sometimes, trials never seem to end—and sometimes, they come in waves! Perhaps you’re going through some difficult times right now or struggling to see past painful experiences . . .

Trials, Comfort–Diane and Brad's Story

An accidental shooting left one sixteen-year-old’s life hanging in the balance and a family struggling to make it through a couple critical days . . .

Service, Persecution–Luis's Story

In America, we have the freedom to declare our faith without fear of persecution. That is not the case for people in other parts of the world. Hear first hand from Luis . . .

Trials, Faith–Stanley's and Brian's Story (Part 2 of 2)

As World Trade Center survivors Stanley Praimnath and Brian Clark recount their experiences of September 11, 2001 . . .

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