Category  |  Conviction Of

Repairing the "unrepairable"–Part 2 of 2 – Jon & Nicole’s Story

Men and women from every walk of life can fall prey to the destructive lure of pornography. And without the Lord’s help, this addiction has the power to rip marriages apart. Jon and Nicole describe how God saved their marriage from the ravages of sin.

Find out more of what the Bible says about “When A Man’s Eye Wanders”.

This fairy-tale wedding came to a screeching halt–Part 1 of 2 – Jon & Nicole’s Story

Nicole wanted the fairy tale wedding—complete with white dress and handsome groom taking her off into the sunset. But when the destructive cycle of pornography took hold early into their marriage, Jon and Nicole had to fight for their relationship before it had barely even started.

Find out more of what the Bible says about “When A Man’s Eye Wanders”.

Does God care about your sexuality?–Brian’s Story

So much of our high school and college years are consumed with trying to figure out who we are as individuals. And often, all that searching only leads us to more confusion! Brian reveals  how his personal identity crisis led him into a homosexual lifestyle and how a relationship with Jesus Christ revealed his true identity and set him free!…

When it seems there’s nowhere left to turn, turn to God–Jeff’s Story

As a teen, Jeff desperately wanted to fit in and found that drugs were an easy way to be accepted by his peers. As the years passed, Jeff repeatedly tried to escape . . .

Finding relief from uncontrollable anger–John’s Story

 Anger, resentment, and bitterness . . . John had a mass of tangled emotions inside him from his difficult youth. No matter how hard he tried not to, he still ended up lashing out . . .

Addiction, Grace–Mike and Penny's Story

No matter how hard they tried, Mike and Penny just couldn’t break free from the cycle of sin that held them captive . . .

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