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Who does God want you to be?–Matthew’s Story

When the loss of his older brother thrust Matthew into the role of “man of the house,” he was determined to become the person he—and others—wanted him to be. But the challenges he faced were greater than his resolve alone could overcome. It wasn’t until he turned his life over to the Lord that Matthew could become the person God…

Discovering the one relationship that will never let you down–Jeff’s Story

When your biggest hopes and dreams don’t pan out and life seems to be crumbling around you, where do you turn to find hope? Learn how Jeff traded in his passion for sports for a relationship with Jesus Christ that transformed his entire life.

We would like to thank KFNW Radio in Fargo, North Dakota, for partnering with us on…

My life at Christ’s discretion–Frank’s Story

Sometimes the paths we take in life can lead us to places we never would have expected. Frank’s troubled childhood, a difficult marriage, and unexpected pain were not figments of his imagination, but God was with him every step of the way.

Moving forward to the upward call of God–Paul’s Story

When Paul and his wife reunited after a separation, he could see right away that something was different. Discover how an act of forgiveness and the unconditional love of God paved the way for a changed life and a renewed marriage.

Discovering the one relationship that will never let you down–Jeff’s Story

So often we look to our career, our relationships, even our accomplishments to fulfill us, only to come up empty. Jeff discovered . . .

In the midst of chaos, hold tight to the hope found in Christ–Mallery’s Story

On Tuesday, January 12, 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake shook the foundations of Haiti to the ground. Find inspiration from a firsthand account of the relief effort of Mallery, a young woman integrally connected to the Haitian people through her work at a clinic, school, and orphanage in Port-au-Prince.

A career path altered by God–Stanton and Lorie’s Story

As followers of God, we know in our heads we’re supposed to trust in God in all circumstances. But when tough times come, does that head knowledge make its way . . .

God changes a life of rebellion into a life of encouragement–Eric’s Story

For some, prison is a place filled with hopelessness, but for Eric, it offered a second chance at life . . .

How God can change a heart of stone into a heart of compassion–James’ Story

Without the hope of Christ, life can be so overwhelming, even bringing someone to the point of despair. That’s how James felt when he landed himself in prison one more time . . .

Overcoming grief following the loss of a spouse–Miriam’s Story (Part 2 of 2)

 Feel like you don’t have a purpose in this world? When a loved one dies, it’s easy to stop caring about the world around you, to become numb . . .

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