God's Provision, Service–Noel's Story
When life became too hard to struggle through on her own, Noel turned to the Gospel Rescue Mission for help. After graduating from their recovery program, Noel gives back to the community that helped turn her life around. Don't miss her dramatic story of renewal and grace.
Salvation, Service–Kevin's Story
Perhaps you, or someone you love, has heard about Jesus but just can’t seem to make the decision to follow Him. Hear how God pursued Kevin even through his tough resistance.
Compassion, Service–Craig's Story
Matthew 28:19 says we’re to “Go and make disciples of all nations.” Perhaps you want to share your faith but don’t know where to start. Craig shares how he took this command to heart and began working with a local mission in the Chicago area.
Family, Service–John Croyle's Story
John Croyle began the “Big Oak Ranch—A Christian Home for Children Needing a Chance” in 1974 after passing up a promising professional football career. Since then, thousands of abused, neglected or abandoned children have found a home and Christlike love there. Perhaps you're struggling with your own children. Find encouragement and practical advice from John's story of "Words To Live By."
Witnessing, Service–Lilian and Albert's Story
Sharing our faith with others may be intimidating, but in American culture it’s not necessarily life threatening . . .
Missions, Peace–Margaret Brand's Story
Dr. Margaret Brand recounts how she relied on prayer and the Word of God to make the life-changing decision to join her husband’s work . . .
God is at work, even in the darkest places–Renée's Story
Can one person make a difference? Working in the poverty-stricken country of Cambodia, Renée offers hope and healing to innocent children suffering from sexual abuse . . .
Commitment, God’s Provision (Part 2 of 2)
Diet’s faith in Jesus Christ led her on a dangerous mission to help Jews flee from the Nazis during WWII. But would that commitment cost Diet her freedom—or even her life? Part 2 of 2.