Category  |  Family

Who am I?–Atsuko’s Story & Kara’s Story

Many people struggle to find their true identity. For Kara, abuse and abandonment made her feel like an orphan her entire life. For Japanese-born Atsuko, it was her faith in Christ that made her feel like an outsider in her own culture. Discover how God gave each of these women stability and hope even when it seemed like their troubles…

Not my child!– James & Cari’s Story

No parent is ever prepared for a prodigal child. So when their kids went astray, James and Cari were caught completely off guard. Hear a story of tragedy and hope, as one family waits for God to bring their children home. Be encouraged to trust God with what’s most precious to you.

In the midst of the chaos God can be trusted–Keith & Kim’s Story

Children fill a family with warmth and joy. But for couples who can’t conceive, it may feel like there’s a gaping hole in the home. Keith and Kim share how God turned their struggle with infertility into a redemptive plan for their lives. Find hope when you’re at your wits’ end.

We would like to thank Psalm 99.5FM Radio in…

Learning to trust the sovereignty of God even when you might not like the outcome–Larry & Cindy’s Story

As a parent, there’s nothing worse than finding your children in pain and being unable to help them. Where can a mom and dad turn for answers? Larry and Cindy share how God’s sovereignty and grace met them and their family during a time of crisis. An important story for parents and grandparents.

We would like to thank WCRH Radio…

Falling into the arms of grace–Brandi’s Story

When circumstances don’t go your way, how do you react? Frustrated, angry, perhaps even  a little rebellious? That’s the way Brandi felt, especially in her teen years. Discover how God used a traumatic season in Brandi’s life to teach her the value of surrender. Find hope for the unfair circumstances in your life.

We would like to thank KURL Radio…

Moving forward to the upward call of God–Paul’s Story

When Paul and his wife reunited after a separation, he could see right away that something was different. Discover how an act of forgiveness and the unconditional love of God paved the way for a changed life and a renewed marriage.

God provides joy amidst even the most difficult seasons of life–Cheryl’s Story

Sometimes finding hope to face another day can be difficult. When Cheryl’s daughter began to show signs of learning disabilities, and the doctors had no answers, she found an answer of a different kind in the Scriptures.

We would like to thank KTIS Radio in St. Paul, Minnesota, for partnering with us on this week’s story.

Discovering God’s help to overcome the challenges of a blended family–Jeff and Judi’s Story

In our culture, divorce and remarriage are commonplace and as a result, many households have blended families. You’ll be encouraged as you hear Jeff and Judi wrestling through . . .

Discovering the love of God–John’s Story

Perhaps you’ve wondered if there’s a way to overcome your past. After a childhood full of turmoil and abuse . . .

What happens when two people are in love but their religious backgrounds collide?–Gerrie and Clyde’s Story (Part 1 of 2)

What happens when two young people are in love but their religious backgrounds collide? Growing up in a Jewish home, Gerrie was expected to marry within her faith . . .

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