Category  |  Divorce

Blindsided by depression

Left untreated, prolonged depression can leave us helpless and hopeless. Cortney faced a life-threatening struggle that landed her on a hospital’s suicide watch. Christian music recording artist and author Bonnie Keen was unprepared for the overwhelming intensity of emotions that followed her unwanted divorce. Courtney and Bonnie share how standing on God’s Word and forgiving others helped to restore their hearts.

Hope for broken marriages – Rick and Sara’s Story

A healthy marriage doesn’t happen by accident. It takes hard work to build trust and intimacy. And when that trust is broken, it’s difficult to put the pieces back together. Rick and Sara tell how a fractured relationship was made whole by God.

We would like to thank Maranatha Bible & Missionary Conference for partnering with us on this week’s program.…

A lifeline for eternity–Shoa’s Story

Following an arranged marriage at 18, it wouldn’t take Shoa long to learn that her new husband had some violent tendencies. Learn how this former Muslim recounts her escape out of religious oppression and hatred and into the loving embrace of Jesus Christ.

Find out more of what the Bible says about "Religion or Christ? What’s the Difference?"


What man destroys . . . God rebuilds – Kaye and Earl’s Story

Traumatic events can turn hearts to stone and change the people we love into complete strangers. But God’s grace overwhelms even the most unyielding objects and reunites lives that have been torn apart. Hear how God brought Kaye and Earl back together nearly four decades after tragic circumstances led to their divorce.

Find out more of what the Bible says…

My life at Christ’s discretion–Frank’s Story

Sometimes the paths we take in life can lead us to places we never would have expected. Frank’s troubled childhood, a difficult marriage, and unexpected pain were not figments of his imagination, but God was with him every step of the way.

Finding relief from your sorrow–Virginia’s Story

Has life thrown you one tragedy after another, and you can’t seem to find relief from the sorrow? . . .

Help and healing following the pain of divorce–Marvin’s Story

When the pain of divorce rips your family apart, it's easy to think life is over—that God's abandoned you in your time of need. . . .

Experiencing God's peace in tragedy–Nancy's Story

When divorce tore apart her home, Nancy had nowhere else to turn but to God. Perhaps you’re enduring a difficult season right now, as well . . .

Marriage, Forgiveness–Clint and Penny's Story

Sometimes even the most charmed relationships can fail. Clint and Penny enjoyed a fairy-tale wedding day . . .

Sin, Marriage, Forgiveness–Wayne and Jennifer's Story

Divorce seemed inevitable for Wayne and Jennifer after an affair violated their marriage vows . . .

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