Category  |  Relationships

An ever-present comfort–Anne’s Story

When we face trials and heartaches it can be difficult to experience joy in our journey of faith. Anne, editor of the Our Daily Bread devotional, found that she could be confident that God would sustain her during a difficult season of loss and help her rediscover joy. Find encouragement for whatever you’re facing.

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Learning to speak words of life–Gerry & Vicki’s Story

Marriage isn’t easy! But when your spouse doesn’t share your views of God, it can bring additional strife to the relationship. Gerry and Vicki describe how God not only transformed their marriage but also turned this husband and wife into a dynamic missionary team.

Find out more of what the Bible says about “The Surprising Side Of God."

We would…

A Living Stone–Colleen’s Story

Decisions made in a moment of crisis can drastically alter the direction of our lives. Colleen thought she’d moved on after her abortion, but years later the weight of her guilt became too much to bear. Find out how God met Colleen in her sorrow, and brought healing and restoration to her life.

Find out more of what the Bible…

I didn’t think God wanted me–Amanda’s Story

When innocence is stolen, many people believe they are damaged beyond repair. Abused by a trusted family member, Amanda lost not only her innocence but also her sense of self-worth. Amanda describes how God revealed His love and grace by making her whole again.

Find out more of what the Bible says about “Real Love: Wisdom From 1 Corinthians.”


Who is that person in the mirror–Cynthia’s Story

Life has a habit of leaving us with scars both inside and out. Cynthia tells of a tragic accident and a broken relationship that utterly transformed her life. Find out how God, the Great Physician, healed all her wounds.

Find out more of what the Bible says about “finding hope in a hopeless world.”

We would like to thank St.…

Replacing ugly lies with the beauty of the Truth–Doris’ Story

Hidden and isolated from the world, Doris grew up in a polygamist family, often held hostage by fear, lies, and abuse. Learn how she discovered the true freedom only found in Jesus Christ! Find freedom from what’s holding you hostage.

Find out more of what the Bible says about “How To Identify A Dangerous Religious Group.

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The songs of Christmas come to life–Christmas Program

For many of us, Christmas carols bring back powerful memories of holidays gone by. But many of these songs have their own intriguing history. Join us for a special Christmas edition of “Words To Live By” as we bring to life the music of the season with the stories and Scriptures that inspired it.

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When your spouse doesn’t believe–Adell & Clyde’s Story

Marriage isn’t always easy. But when you’re married to a spouse who is not a believer the relationship can be even more challenging. Adell and Clyde describe how their marriage was on the brink of falling apart until God put it back together again.

We would like to thank St. John’s Tabernacle Church in Detroit, Michigan, for partnering with us…

Christ’s love conquers guilt and shame–Michelle’s Story

Many people believe that slavery doesn’t exist in the modern world. But the truth is children are bought and sold into slavery every single day. Michelle describes the heartbreaking plight of young girls caught in human trafficking and the deliverance found in Christ.

Find out more of what the Bible says about “The Forgiveness of God."

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How long must we suffer? – Daniel’s Story

Eastern Europe in the 1970s was a place of darkness, sealed off from the world by the Iron Curtain of Communism. But even in times of oppression, the gospel of Jesus Christ continues to break through. Learn how Daniel, a Romanian soldier, had his life set free from hatred and revenge by an encounter with the living God.


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