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Life isn’t always easy, but with God there is hope–Linda’s Story

When the storms of life threaten to pull you under, where do you turn for hope to carry on? Find encouragement for your struggles through Linda’s inspirational story of God’s faithful provision through the good times and the bad.

We would like to thank WPJL Radio in Raleigh, North Carolina, for partnering with us on this week’s story.

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The Cleansing Power of Christ – Rob’s Story

When Rob needed an “escape” he turned to drugs, but they left him feeling empty and unclean. Find out how Rob discovered the cleansing power of Christ. It’s available to all, regardless of the poor choices we’ve made.

Find out more of what the Bible says about “Elijah – An Ordinary Man In Extraordinary Times.”

It’s an "Our Daily Bread" Christmas on "Words To Live By"

In the busyness and stress of the holiday season, it’s easy to lose sight of the real reason we celebrate. Join us Saturday/Sunday for a special Christmas edition of Words To Live By! Hear heartfelt reflections on the peace, worship, and wonder of Jesus’ birth from the writers of the daily devotional, Our Daily Bread.

Finding redemption at the foot of the cross–Darlene’s Story

Shame comes in many forms, but the outcome is always the same. It ravages your heart and leaves you feeling guilt-ridden and hopeless. Darlene was headed down a path of destruction until she embraced God’s plan for her life. Be encouraged by this powerful story of redemption.

Find out more of what the Bible says about "The Forgiveness of God."…

How long must we suffer?–Daniel’s Story

For decades, the Iron Curtain of Communism kept many people in Europe prisoners in their own country. But those ideological and political barriers couldn’t shut out the gospel of Christ! Discover how God changed a Romanian soldier into a pastor to the nations. A story of God’s provision and protection.

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When life gets you down, find a lifeline in Jesus–Mary Ann’s Story

When a difficult situation threatens to drag us down, we can either let ourselves fall or surrender to the only One who can lift us up. Learn how Mary Ann found a lifeline in God’s Word, when it felt like her world was falling apart.

Find out more of what the Bible says about “Beyond Reasonable Doubt: The Truth About…

Even life-threatening persecution cannot silence God–Francis’s Story

In the United States, we’re free to follow Jesus honestly and openly. But in many parts of the world, men and women must practice their religion in secret—in order to stay alive. Hear Francis tell his dramatic story of escape from religious persecution.

We would like to thank WCRV Radio Station in Memphis, Tennessee, for partnering with us for this…

I didn’t think God wanted me–Amanda’s Story

When a trusted family member stole her innocence, he also robbed Amanda of her sense of self-worth. Believing she was damaged beyond repair, Amanda threw herself into destructive habits. Learn how God revealed His love and grace in making a broken person whole again!

Find out more of what the Bible says about “Real Love: Wisdom From 1 Corinthians.”


I heard it, I believed it, but was it the truth?–Stephen’s Story

Sexual abuse can distort the way we see God and also warp the way we view ourselves. Discover how one man found release from homosexuality and the events of his childhood by experiencing the unconditional grace of Jesus.

Find out more of what the Bible says about “Designed For Desire: God's Design For Sexuality.”

We would like to thank KQCV…

Refusing bitterness–Joy’s Story

Let’s face it; life isn’t always fair and bad things do happen to good people. And while we may not always have a choice in what events intersect our lives, we do get to choose how we’ll respond. Joy discovers that God has the power to reach into the unexpected with grace, love, strength, and comfort.

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