Category  |  Forgiveness From

Finding freedom in forgiveness

There’s no mistake so big, no sin so great, that God cannot forgive. Hear how God gave both Brenetia and LaRue freedom from their past and healing through His Word. No matter where you’ve been, or what you’ve done, you can find freedom through forgiveness in Jesus Christ!

This fairy-tale wedding came to a screeching halt–Part 1 of 2 – Jon & Nicole’s Story

Nicole wanted the fairy tale wedding—complete with white dress and handsome groom taking her off into the sunset. But when the destructive cycle of pornography took hold early into their marriage, Jon and Nicole had to fight for their relationship before it had barely even started.

Find out more of what the Bible says about “When A Man’s Eye Wanders”.

Does God care about your sexuality?–Brian’s Story

So much of our high school and college years are consumed with trying to figure out who we are as individuals. And often, all that searching only leads us to more confusion! Brian reveals  how his personal identity crisis led him into a homosexual lifestyle and how a relationship with Jesus Christ revealed his true identity and set him free!…

"What MUST I do to be saved?" –Neal’s Story

Jesus made us a lasting promise: “If you look for Me you will find Me!” Discover how Neal searched for God in all the wrong places before eventually discovering the real and life-changing person of Jesus Christ!

We would like to thank KEY Radio in Provo, Utah, for partnering with us on this week's program.

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God’s indescribable mercy can overcome abortion’s overwhelming pain–Kathy’s Story

What decision have you made that you wish you could go back and change? Perhaps you’re harboring deep regrets right now. Learn how God’s healing mercy supported Kathy through her sorrow and gave her the courage to help others find the same healing.

We would like to thank WCRH Radio Station in Williamsport, Maryland, for partnering with us for this week’s…

Finally, the freedom to talk about this–Lance & Shirley’s Story

There are decisions we make in life that have a much different outcome than what we were expecting. Lance and Shirley made a choice many years ago that left them longing to break through the quiet agony of abortion. Learn how one couple found hope and healing through God’s mercy and grace.

Find out more of what the Bible says…

Moving forward to the upward call of God–Paul’s Story

When Paul and his wife reunited after a separation, he could see right away that something was different. Discover how an act of forgiveness and the unconditional love of God paved the way for a changed life and a renewed marriage.

God’s indescribable mercy can overcome abortion’s overwhelming pain–Kathy’s Story

What decisions have you made that you wish you could go back and change? Perhaps you’re harboring such regrets right now . . .

Restoring your relationship to God following abortion–Bob’s Story

Perhaps you’re beating yourself up over the regrets of your past. All of us have made decisions we regret. And sometimes the consequences . . .

Find healing from the deep scars of abortion–Janie’s Story

Perhaps you’re struggling to put a painful memory behind you. While some scars are self-inflicted, others . . .

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