Category  |  Prayer

Finding peace in the midst of war

As a World War II soldier serving in France, Henry survived a devastating injury and imprisonment. Don't miss this harrowing story of Henry’s escape from a POW camp and how a dying man’s last words spurred this American soldier to consider eternity. Discover how the power of prayer and a God who intervenes can impact your own journey.

The forbidden Bible

While serving a mandatory tour of duty in the Russian army, Fiodor hungered for the
Word of God to sustain him. His prayers to receive a then-forbidden copy of the Bible
would soon be answered in an extraordinary way. It wasn’t until years later, after Fiodor
came to America, that he would discover exactly how God had orchestrated that miracle.…

What man destroys . . . God rebuilds – Kaye and Earl’s Story

Traumatic events can turn hearts to stone and change the people we love into complete strangers. But God’s grace overwhelms even the most unyielding objects and reunites lives that have been torn apart. Hear how God brought Kaye and Earl back together nearly four decades after tragic circumstances led to their divorce.

Find out more of what the Bible says…

Where to turn when the task before you seems insurmountable–Mallery’s Story

When Mallery met baby Rosie on the streets of Haiti, she knew she was being called to be the hands and feet of Christ and do all she possibly could to . . .

Experiencing the grace of God and overcoming a powerful addiction–Phil and Kathy’s Story

Perhaps you need a second chance today. Phil had a good life, but when an injury forced him into early retirement from police work, he found himself . . .

God's Provision, Praise–Donald and Theresa's Story

When danger is at your doorstep, praising God is probably the furthest thing from your mind. Donald and Theresa share their intense story of God’s provision and answer to prayer in the midst of deadly circumstances.

Prayer, Adversity–Joanna's Story

Even as a child, Joanna knew that Jesus would never leave her, and that the love and strength of her parents would always be there. These assurances would grow in their significance when an accident changed her life forever.  How do you handle those unexpected moments when life seems cruel? Hear how God answered Joanna's prayers in a way she never imagined.

Does God still perform miracles?–Della's Story

Does God still perform miracles? When Della’s son was diagnosed with leukemia, that’s exactly what she prayed for . . .

Prayer, Family–Mark and Chris' Story

Father and son were at odds with one another until Mark began to pray for his boy, Chris. God answered those prayers in a surprising way, and His Word led them down a new path . . .

The power of persevering in prayer–Emily’s Story

Emily had been praying for her unsaved husband for 27 years. When he was diagnosed with cancer, would he finally acknowledge his need for a Savior?

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