Forgiveness, Service–Danny’s Story (Part 2 of 2)
Danny’s actions one dark, rainy night would impact the lives of two families—his, and that of the man he struck with his car.
Finding forgiveness and love from an unplanned pregnancy–Christina’s Story
At age twenty, an unplanned pregnancy changed Christina’s life forever. Having grown up in a Christian home, it was especially difficult to share this big news with her parents . . .
Abuse, Forgiveness–Katrina's Story
When Katrina was raped, only God’s immense love and the incomparable strength the Bible provides could conquer . . .
Sin, Marriage, Forgiveness–Wayne and Jennifer's Story
Divorce seemed inevitable for Wayne and Jennifer after an affair violated their marriage vows . . .
Forgiveness, Service–Danny's Story(Part 2 of 2)
Danny’s actions one dark, rainy night would impact the lives of two families—his, and that of the man he struck with his car. Part 2 of 2.
Sin, Marriage, Forgiveness
Divorce seemed inevitable for Wayne and Jennifer after an affair violated their marriage vows. How would this couple learn to forgive one another and rebuild their marriage?