Category  |  Life Stories

A sanctuary in their suffering–Ron & Joanie’s Story

What happens when you’re operating in pure survival mode? When all your energy goes to simply getting through your day? Ron and Joanie share the tremendous challenges they faced and the miracle they needed in order to overcome. Hear how a Vietnam vet with panic disorder and a nurse on the brink of death received a new perspective on life.…

Torture and persecution will not prevail–Kodjo’s Story and Volodya’s Story

Kodjo and Volodya lived in very different parts of the world, yet both shared a belief in Christ that was tested to the limits of human endurance. Even torture and persecution could not stop these two men from sharing their faith. Be encouraged as you share the love of Jesus Christ with others and step out in faith.

We would…

Replacing ugly lies with the beauty of the Truth–Doris’ Story

Hidden and isolated from the world, Doris grew up in a polygamist family, often held hostage by fear, lies, and abuse. Learn how she discovered the true freedom only found in Jesus Christ! Find freedom from what’s holding you hostage.

Find out more of what the Bible says about “How To Identify A Dangerous Religious Group.

We would like to…

When your spouse doesn’t believe–Adell & Clyde’s Story

Marriage isn’t always easy. But when you’re married to a spouse who is not a believer the relationship can be even more challenging. Adell and Clyde describe how their marriage was on the brink of falling apart until God put it back together again.

We would like to thank St. John’s Tabernacle Church in Detroit, Michigan, for partnering with us…

A broken heart mended–Gerard’s Story

Gerard was an athlete, successful businessman, and the head of a prominent Christian ministry. But nothing he had accomplished could prepare him for the death of his teenage son. Discover how God’s grace carried Gerard through his season of pain and grief.

We'd like to thank Roger Kemp and Company for partnering with us on this program.

“I was tired of living like this!”– Janet’s Story

Janet knew of God’s love but it seemed far away as her circumstances overwhelmed her. The search for something or someone who could offer love and consistency began at an early age and followed her into adulthood. The meaning, purpose, and hope she’d been looking for was finally found at a time and in a place she never expected.


“I can’t believe you’re still alive!”–Travis’ Story

Travis had always been a risk-taker despite the fact that many of his dangerous stunts had landed him in the hospital. Learn how this adrenaline-addicted young man’s life came to a screeching halt and how he found even greater thrills in serving the Lord.

We would like to thank KEY Radio in Provo, Utah, for partnering with us on this…

Silencing fears–Tiffany’s Story

Many of us have experienced a sense of unfairness at some point in our lives. But when the intensity of those feelings causes you to doubt and question God, where can you go for answers? Tiffany shares how God redeemed her from the depths of depression after the birth of her extremely premature baby.

We would like to thank KHCB Radio…

What man destroys . . . God rebuilds – Kaye and Earl’s Story

Traumatic events can turn hearts to stone and change the people we love into complete strangers. But God’s grace overwhelms even the most unyielding objects and reunites lives that have been torn apart. Hear how God brought Kaye and Earl back together nearly four decades after tragic circumstances led to their divorce.

Find out more of what the Bible says…

Learning to trust the sovereignty of God even when you might not like the outcome–Larry & Cindy’s Story

As a parent, there’s nothing worse than finding your children in pain and being unable to help them. Where can a mom and dad turn for answers? Larry and Cindy share how God’s sovereignty and grace met them and their family during a time of crisis. An important story for parents and grandparents.

We would like to thank WCRH Radio…

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