Category  |  Salvation

Trusting God’s plan when we’re hurting

There are times in our lives when we’re reminded of just how much we need God. That’s what Amanda experienced when her daughter Chloe was born prematurely, and it’s what Erin and Jason faced even as Jason slipped into a coma. Hear how God brings healing and peace to broken hearts.

Finding peace in the midst of war

As a World War II soldier serving in France, Henry survived a devastating injury and imprisonment. Don't miss this harrowing story of Henry’s escape from a POW camp and how a dying man’s last words spurred this American soldier to consider eternity. Discover how the power of prayer and a God who intervenes can impact your own journey.

Our fight is not against flesh and blood . . .

Ephesians 6:12 tells us: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the
rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the
spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Steeped in the occult and a life of crime,
Carlos wasn’t even sure God existed. Kathy’s mother mixed Christianity with the occult
leaving Kathy fearful…

Blood is blood: Living sacrificially – Sally’s Story

The love of Jesus transcends all barriers including those of race and gender. Sally explains why she donated a portion of her liver to a complete stranger and what she learned about God as a result. We would like to thank WNIV in Atlanta, Georgia, for partnering with us on this week's program.

Escaping the trap of pornography–David’s Story

Addiction is a prison that shackles us with shame, fear, and guilt. But Jesus came to set captives free. David shares a candid tale of deliverance! Hear how God released him from pornography and set him on the path to freedom.

Christ heals the ravages of war–Dave & Judy’s Story

When nineteen-year-old Dave went to war, he didn’t know how deeply his experiences in Vietnam would change him. Hear the dramatic story of how God rescued Dave from an inner battle and helped him combat the vicious cycle of post-traumatic stress disorder.

What MUST I do to be saved?–Neal’s Story

Jesus made us a lasting promise—"If you look for Me you will find Me!" Neal explains his search through cults, confusion, and Christianity to eventually discover the real and life-changing person of Jesus!

We would like to thank KEY Radio in Provo, Utah, for partnering with us on this week’s program.

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