Tag  |  abuse

Mercy, hope, and a future through Jesus

Many of us would admit we still struggle with regret and shame that come from our past
mistakes, even when we’ve been forgiven.  Sometimes, it’s just hard to let it go—
especially if they deeply hurt you and the ones you love. Discover how both Marsha and
Tony found freedom in the forgiveness of God right where they were.

Discover how…

The reason for the hope that you have

After a childhood of turmoil and abuse, John didn’t know any other way to live. Dmitri thought that all the church wanted was his money. Hear how God renewed both of these men’s lives. Perhaps you’re wondering if there’s a way to overcome your own hurts and hang-ups. Don’t miss this inspirational story on Words to Live By.

God’s love never fails

Domestic abuse occurs in homes across the world, including the homes of people who profess to follow Christ. Sharon’s season of terror began on her honeymoon, while Marie’s started while she was dating her boyfriend. These two women were held captive by fear but still held on to hope, pleading that God would provide a way out. Find out how…

Mercy, hope and a future through Jesus

Discover how both Marsha and Tony found the forgiveness of God right where they were—in prison! The pain from Marsha’s past created so much anger it spilled over in the most horrific ways. Tony was smart, yet he made some really poor decisions. Don’t miss these two remarkable stories of overcoming the past to walk into a better future with Jesus…

A love that restores

Isaiah chapter 61 promises that the Lord will provide comfort for those who mourn and restore broken lives with “a crown of beauty instead of ashes.” Both Beckie and Barbara Jean’s hearts had been deeply wounded by abuse and shame. Discover how their lives were transformed through Jesus Christ and how they found healing and freedom from the past.

People don’t understand—I was trapped

For most of us it’s impossible to imagine being fifteen years old and lured into a world of human trafficking. This was Leslie’s life for more than twenty years until she prayed a desperate prayer—one that Jesus answered in a powerful and profound way. Be inspired by Leslie’s courageous story as God uses her to reach out to others ensnared in prostitution.

A spark of light in the darkest hour - Sharry's Story

A violent, abusive marriage and unrelenting drug addiction left Sharry homeless and estranged from her family. Discover how God brought healing to Sharry and her entire family through the support of a church and local mission.

Liberation from abuse–by an all-powerful God–Marie’s Story

Whether it’s verbal, emotional, or physical—abusive relationships rob people of their self-worth. Eventually, many victims begin to believe that they deserve the abuse. That was case with Marie. Learn how God liberated both her body and her mind and gave her a new identity in Jesus.

Find out more of what the Bible says about “Self-Esteem – What Does The Bible…

Finding rescue and restoration–Gary’s Story

You don’t start out in life planning to live on the streets. After an abusive childhood and two failed marriages, Gary found himself without a home and without hope. But God had a plan for Gary. Discover hope for whatever you may be facing as you learn how God turned Gary’s life around.

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Finding a spark of Light in her darkest hour–Sharry’s Story

A violent, abusive marriage and unrelenting drug addiction left Sharry homeless and estranged from her family. Discover how God brought healing to Sharry and her entire family through the support of a church and local mission.

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