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You’re never too far from God’s mercy

Is there anyone beyond God’s reach? Both Chuck and Reuben grew up in homes where drugs and alcohol were abused. After each was arrested, God found a way to meet them at their greatest point of need.

Discover God’s mercy and a fresh start from the life-changing wisdom of the Bible in David & Manasseh: Overcoming Failure and from our offer Hurt…

Finding peace from the rage within

An abusive childhood left John with deep emotional wounds, which festered into a
simmering rage that followed him into adulthood and marriage. Tony grew up feeling unwanted and unloved. Even after marrying and starting a family of his own, his anger led to verbal and physical abuse. But God can restore even the hardest of hearts as well as marriages and families.

You’re never too far from God’s mercy

Is there anyone beyond God’s reach? Both Chuck and Ruben grew up in homes where
drugs and alcohol were abused. Their usage and poor choices eventually resulted in
their arrests. Yet God found a way to meet each of them at their greatest point of need.
Discover how God’s grace is able to penetrate even the hardest of hearts.

Finding peace from the rage within

An abusive childhood left John with deep emotional wounds, which festered into a simmering rage that followed him into adulthood and marriage. Tony grew up feeling unwanted and unloved. Even after marrying and starting a family of his own, his anger led to verbal and physical abuse. But God can restore even the hardest of hearts as well as marriages and families.

Christ heals the ravages of war–Dave & Judy’s Story

When nineteen-year-old Dave went to war, he didn’t know how deeply his experiences in Vietnam would change him. Hear the dramatic story of how God rescued Dave from an inner battle and helped him combat the vicious cycle of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Surrender with a capital S–Rance's Story

As a United States Marine, Rance thought he was too tough for Jesus until his life and marriage fell apart. Learn how God transformed Rance’s heart and turned his life around.


Find out more of what the Bible says about "Living an Authentic Christian Life."

We would like to thank KQCV Radio in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for partnering with…

Falling into the arms of grace–Brandi’s Story

When circumstances don’t go your way, how do you react? Frustrated, angry, perhaps even  a little rebellious? That’s the way Brandi felt, especially in her teen years. Discover how God used a traumatic season in Brandi’s life to teach her the value of surrender. Find hope for the unfair circumstances in your life.

We would like to thank KURL Radio…

Surrender with a capital S–Rance’s Story

The more God pursued him, the more Rance rebelled and pulled away. It wasn’t until he came to the end of himself that Rance finally responded to God’s call. You’ll be encouraged by this heartwarming story of redemption.

Find out more of what the Bible says about "living an authentic Christian life."

We would like to thank KQCV Radio in…

Though wars may rage; peace can be found in Jesus Christ–Phil’s Story

Shaken by the battles in his broken home, Phil joined the Marine Corps and headed to Vietnam. In the ensuing years, he struggled with a debilitating case of post-traumatic stress disorder. Discover how Phil found lasting peace through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Learn more of what the Bible says about "Anchors in The Storm."

Falling into the arms of grace–Brandi’s Story

When things don’t go your way, how do you react? Frustrated, angry, even perhaps a little rebellious? Well, Brandi felt that same way, especially in her teen years. Discover how God used a traumatic season in Brandi’s life to teach her the value of surrender. You may be struggling with the direction of your life today—find comfort in this message…

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