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“I’ve been unfaithful” – Forgiving infidelity

Even good marriages are not immune from adultery. Like a thief in the night, it can steal,
kill, and destroy. The reality is that most couples don’t survive an adulterous affair. But
some, like Gary and Mona, do. Find out how a decision to stay and a commitment to be
honest with God and each other allowed this marriage to survive infidelity.

Finding freedom from the trap of pornography

Pornography is an addiction that is easily fueled in our sex-saturated culture. Lives
unraveled by a lure so strong it has the power to destroy families and ruin lives. Jerry’s
and Mickey’s addictions had cost each of them dearly. But there is a power that is so
much greater and offers hope to those struggling with this destructive habit. Learn how
God’s grace, and the accountability of others, helped both men to find the freedom they
desperately sought.

A fragile identity solidified–Renee’s Story

As a biracial child in the 1970s, Renee was the recipient of intense bullying. And after being sexually assaulted as a teen, her life seemed to spin out of control. Renee shares how God pulled her back from the brink of self-destruction and revealed her true identity and value through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

We would like to thank…

A fragile identity solidified–Renee’s Story

As a biracial child in the 1970s, Renee was the recipient of intense bullying. And after being sexually assaulted as a teen, her life seemed to spin out of control. Renee shares how God pulled her back from the brink of self-destruction and revealed her true identity and value through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

We would like to thank…

Escaping the trap of pornography–David’s Story

The bondage of sin casts us into a prison of shame, fear, and guilt. But Jesus came to free us from those chains! Discover how God delivered one man from an addiction to pornography and set him on the path to freedom.

Find out more of what the Bible says about "When We Just Can't Stop: Overcoming Addiction."

We would…

Escaping the trap of pornography–David’s Story

The bondage of sin casts us into a prison of shame, fear, and guilt. But Jesus came to free us from those chains! Discover how God delivered one man from an addiction to pornography and set him on the path to freedom.

Find out more of what the Bible says about "when we just can't stop: overcoming addition."

“I’ve been unfaithful” – Forgiving infidelity–Gary & Mona’s Story

Even good marriages run into problems. For Gary and Mona, it was adultery that snuck into their marriage like a thief in the night, unwelcome and unexpected. Where do you go when trust is destroyed? Listen to this remarkable story of God’s grace and healing.

Sin, Forgiveness (Part 2 of 2)

After Scott confessed his sin to his congregation, he was asked to leave his position as pastor. Finding his way back to a

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