Tag  |  decisions

God’s indescribable mercy can overcome abortion’s overwhelming pain–Kathy’s Story

What decisions have you made that you wish you could go back and change? Perhaps you’re harboring such regrets right now . . .

Keeping Christ in Christmas

In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it’s easy to forget the real reason we celebrate! Enjoy our special Christmas . . .

Purity, Service–Mark and Lisa's Story

An unplanned pregnancy became the catalyst for Mark and Lisa to seek God’s forgiveness and mercy . . .

Salvation, Decision Making–Chuck's Story

A commitment with Jesus Christ brings the forgiveness of sins, comfort, hope, and direction—all things that eluded Chuck as he made one poor choice after another . . .

Service, Decisions, Bible

When Cheryl lost her husband to cancer, she wondered why the Lord would cut short their time together in His service.

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