Tag  |  faith

The reason for the hope that you have

After a childhood of turmoil and abuse, John didn’t know any other way to live. Dmitri thought that all the church wanted was his money. Hear how God renewed both of these men’s lives. Perhaps you’re wondering if there’s a way to overcome your own hurts and hang-ups. Don’t miss this inspirational story on Words to Live By.

When life comes to a standstill

When the diagnosis comes so hard and fast that you can hardly breathe, where do you turn?
Hear how the power of a loving God and the ongoing support of His people helped Vivian
battle cancer. It’s a journey no one should take alone. We need God. We need friends. Find
strength to endure no matter what you’re facing.

The depth of God’s mercy

What do you do when the inconceivable happens and forgiveness seems impossible? Can
you trust the Lord who promises to judge righteously? Hear of God’s intervention into the
lives of two different families that encountered sins most of us would consider too horrific to
be forgiven. Learn how the depth and breadth of the Lord’s mercy becomes the key to…

Living for eternity

When Melody’s 20-year-old daughter died instantly in a car accident, the only thought
that brought her comfort was that her child was now with Jesus. Learn how God gave
purpose to Melody’s grief and launched a passion for living with an eternal perspective.
Find purpose in the midst of loss.

For more information on this story please visit http://daniellepound.com/.

Finding peace in the midst of war

As a World War II soldier serving in France, Henry survived a devastating injury and imprisonment. Don't miss this harrowing story of Henry’s escape from a POW camp and how a dying man’s last words spurred this American soldier to consider eternity. Discover how the power of prayer and a God who intervenes can impact your own journey.

Will my faith sustain me?

For Karen and Mark, sharing a hospital room on their second wedding anniversary was not how they envisioned they would celebrate this special day. The recurrence of her husband’s cancer and the discovery that she had leukemia would test her beliefs to the core, leading her to ask, “Is my faith real? Will it sustain me through this painful journey?” Discover the power of God to bring peace even in the midst of hardship and heartache.

A sanctuary in their suffering–Ron & Joanie’s Story

What happens when you’re operating in pure survival mode? When all your energy goes to simply getting through your day? Ron and Joanie share the tremendous challenges they faced and the miracle they needed in order to overcome. Hear how a Vietnam vet with panic disorder and a nurse on the brink of death received a new perspective on life.…

When life comes to a standstill–Vivian’s Story

When the diagnosis comes so hard and fast that you can hardly breathe, where do you turn? Hear how the power of a loving God and the ongoing support of His people helped Vivian battle through her cancer journey. Find strength to hang on no matter what you’re facing.

Marriage fellowship magnified!–Ron & Barbara’s Story

When the hearts of a husband and wife are connected in prayer, the fellowship they experience can be incredible! Ron and Barbara describe how God transformed their marriage when they surrendered their dreams to the Lord.

Christ heals the ravages of war–Dave & Judy’s Story

When nineteen-year-old Dave went to war, he didn’t know how deeply his experiences in Vietnam would change him. Hear the dramatic story of how God rescued Dave from an inner battle and helped him combat the vicious cycle of post-traumatic stress disorder.

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