Tag  |  fear

Sufficient grace for each moment

Faith is a daily journey. But when a medical diagnosis turns life into a steep, uphill climb it’s easy to get weary and fearful. Join host Barbara Follis to hear stories from Chris, Tiffany, and Carla.
They’re sharing how God’s grace overcame the dark clouds renewing their hope.

Learn more about God’s grace impacting your life whatever your circumstances, here's a…

What is my purpose? God’s love in action

It’s Easter, and it’s the perfect time to reflect on God’s great love! Hear the stories of
Josh, who finds that no amount of running can separate him from God’s love, and Matt,
who learns that the love of Jesus gives us life abundantly!

God wanted all of me

Just nine days after what was supposed to be a routine surgery, Bryan was told that his
young wife, Ami, a mother of three, wouldn’t live through the night. What happened next
would change their lives forever – demonstrating the power of God to transform hearts and
beat impossible odds! Discover the freedom that comes when you surrender all to God.

“Are you there God? Do you see me?”

Christian music artist Tammy Trent’s faith in Jesus was her firm foundation but that desire for an authentic, growing relationship with God was tested when the unimaginable happened. It caused her to ask God questions like, “Do you see me?” “Do you hear me?” “Are you even there?” Discover how in the midst of tragedy God is near to the brokenhearted.

They didn’t tell me the truth

All of us have made decisions we regret and suffered the consequences. Though Bob’s decision had caused great harm, he finally found peace when he accepted God’s forgiveness. Luann’s decision to have an abortion left a deep wound in her heart. After suffering ten years of panic attacks, she finally brought what she had done into the light, finding the healing power of God’s love. Discover how to find freedom from the pain of your own regret.

"It ain't over 'til it's over" – Ed Dobson's Story

When Ed heard the diagnosis that he had only two to five years to live, he was forced to examine what he truly believed about God. But over a decade has passed since he received that death sentence, and he knows the Lord still has plans for him. Discover how Ed learned to live in the present where faith is found rather than in the future where fear resides. Find insight and inspiration for whatever trials come your way.

A lifeline for eternity – Shoa’s Story

Following an arranged marriage at 18, it wouldn’t take Shoa long to discover her new husband was a violent man. Listen to this former Muslim recount her escape out of a radical religious sect and into the loving embrace of Jesus Christ.

The unrelenting pursuit of a holy God–Raymond’s Story and Jennifer’s Story

No matter where you’ve gone or what you’ve done, God doesn’t stop pursuing His children. Discover how God transformed the lives of Jennifer and Raymond, two people struggling under the weight of addiction and set them on the path to recovery. Be encouraged by a story of God’s love and power.

We would like to thank KNKT Radio in Albuquerque,…

Silencing fears–Tiffany’s Story

Many of us have experienced a sense of unfairness at some point in our lives. But when the intensity of those feelings causes you to doubt and question God where can you go for answers? Tiffany shares how God redeemed her from the depths of depression after the birth of her extremely premature baby.

We would like to thank KHCB…

“It ain’t over ’til it’s over.”–Ed’s Story

What would you do if you received news that you were dying? For Ed, every twitch of his muscles reminds him that a terminal disease is actively destroying his body. Discover how Ed has found hope in the face of fear and death. Gain insight and inspiration for whatever trials may come your way.
Find out more of what the…

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