Tag  |  fear

He drew me out of deep waters–Judy's Story

When painful circumstances threaten our families, fear and worry are often our first response. Yet the Bible provides another perspective. Judy shares how God gave her peace in the midst of life’s storms. Find hope for your most difficult moments.

Originally the Discovery Series study booklet offered was "Surviving the Storms of Stress"; however, it is no longer available online. Please enjoy…

Silencing fears–Tiffany’s Story

Many of us have experienced a sense of unfairness at some point in our lives. But when the intensity of those feelings causes you to doubt and question God, where can you go for answers? Tiffany shares how God redeemed her from the depths of depression after the birth of her extremely premature baby.

We would like to thank KHCB Radio…

His strength in our weakness–Greg & Katie’s Story

If an unimaginable loss occurred in your life where would you run for healing? Discover how a foundation built on faith in Jesus Christ sustained Greg & Katie following the heartbreaking loss of their child. Sense God’s faithfulness and presence in the midst of deep pain and grief.

Find out more of what the Bible says about "where can we…

“This is the captain, please brace for impact . . .”–Chris & Karin’s Story

When Chris and Karin’s jet left the airport, they thought they were simply headed home. Yet just three minutes into their flight they heard those dreaded words . . . “brace for impact!” You’ll be inspired by the courage, faith, and prayers of this young couple who relied on God in the midst of tragedy.

Find answers to the question,…

Can you earn your way to heaven?–Sylvia’s Story

When Sylvia’s parents divorced she began searching for a sense of stability. She thought she found the answer by immersing herself in the Muslim faith, yet the more she studied Islam the more unsettled she became. Discover how Sylvia finally found lasting peace through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Find more of what the Bible says about "religion or Christ—what’s the difference?

“Are you there God? Do you see me?”–Tammy’s Story

The unexpected loss of a loved one can turn our entire life upside down. The world as we know it has changed forever. Where do we turn when overwhelming grief surrounds us? Christian music artist Tammy Trent shares her inspiring story of choosing to hope in Christ in the midst of an unimaginable crisis.

Find out more about what the…

His strength in our weakness–Greg & Katie’s Story

If an unimaginable loss occurred in your life where would you go for healing? Discover how a foundation built on faith in Jesus Christ sustained Greg & Katie following the heartbreaking loss of their child. Sense God’s faithfulness and presence in the midst of deep pain and grief.

We would like to thank Woodmen Valley Chapel in Colorado Springs, Colorado,…

“This is the captain, please brace for impact . . .”–Chris & Karin’s Story

Can you imagine hearing those very words? What would you do? When Chris and Karin’s jet left LaGuardia Airport in New York City they thought they were simply headed home. Yet just three minutes into their flight they heard those dreaded words. You’ll be inspired by the courage, faith, and prayers of this young couple who relied on God in the midst…

Destination heaven - inspirational philosophy on death–C. W.’s Story

As followers of God, we know heaven will be a wonderful place. But when we consider the finality of death, it’s still a scary prospect! C. W., then in his final stages of cancer, teaches others how to die without fear. Discover the joy C. W. found in the Lord, and find peace about your own future.

Can you earn your way to heaven? – Sylvia’s Story

When Sylvia’s parents divorced, she began searching for a sense of stability. She thought she found the answer by immersing herself in the Muslim faith, yet the more she studied Islam the more unsettled she became. Discover how Sylvia finally found lasting peace through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

We would like to thank KHCB Radio in Houston, Texas, for…

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