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Breaking free from the bondage of abuse–Brenetia’s Story

After more than seventeen years of abuse, Brenetia was filled with hatred and bitterness. Hear how God gave Brenetia freedom from her past, and healing through His Word. No matter what you’ve been through, freedom can be yours in Jesus Christ.

We would like to thank WNIV Radio in Atlanta, Georgia, for partnering with us on this week's story.

A heavenly Father for the fatherless–Michael & Rachel’s Story

No matter what mistakes or poor choices you’ve made, you’ll never be out of God’s reach! Find encouragement as you discover how God changed Michael’s life forever in this powerful story of redemption.

We would like to thank KTIS Radio in St. Paul, Minnesota, for partnering with us on this week's story.

Is it truly possible to heal from the scars of abuse?–Kay’s Story

When someone has wounded you deeply, it may not be easy to extend forgiveness and allow healing to begin. Kay shares her story of reconciliation with a childhood abuser . . .

Learning to forgive those who have wounded us deeply–Debbie’s Story

It’s not easy to forgive those who have wounded us deeply. Perhaps you have an estranged relationship . . .

Forgiveness, Grace–Marjorie's Story

There are twists and turns on life’s road that can cause us to question God and the path He’s laid out for us. When Marjorie’s son was killed by a drunk driver, nothing in life seemed to make sense. You’ll be encouraged by Marjorie’s faith in Christ that helped her find peace and grace through the grief and anger.  

Marriage, Forgiveness–Gary & Mona's Story

An act of unfaithfulness forced Gary and Mona to choose whether to rebuild their marriage or divorce.  When trust is destroyed and it feels as though your life has been ripped apart, where do you go from there?  What does God’s Word have to say to offer you hope and direction?

Marriage, Forgiveness–Clint and Penny's Story

Sometimes even the most charmed relationships can fail. Clint and Penny enjoyed a fairy-tale wedding day . . .

Abuse, Forgiveness–Barbara Jean's Story

We all have things we’ve done which we’re not proud of. Perhaps you’re looking for freedom from the memories that haunt you . . .

Forgiveness, Service–Danny’s Story (Part 2 of 2)

Danny’s actions one dark, rainy night would impact the lives of two families—his, and that of the man he struck with his car. 

Finding forgiveness and love from an unplanned pregnancy–Christina’s Story

At age twenty, an unplanned pregnancy changed Christina’s life forever. Having grown up in a Christian home, it was especially difficult to share this big news with her parents . . .

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