Tag  |  freedom

“I have a more powerful weapon”

In most countries, we often take for granted that we can openly study the Bible without the threat of imprisonment or persecution. Amy and Daniel share their experiences of what it’s like to be a Christian in countries where reading God’s Word can land you in prison… or worse.

Learn more about God’s grace impacting your life whatever your circumstances:…

For it is by grace you have been saved

It seems no matter what they tried, Jose and Erika struggled to find contentment and satisfaction in their lives. From the time Rick was a little boy he faced abandonment issues leaving him with a deep sense of betrayal and resentment. Discover how hope and contentment can be found through the patient love of Jesus Christ.

Finding freedom from the trap of pornography

Pornography is an addiction that is easily fueled in our sex-saturated culture. Lives
unraveled by a lure so strong it has the power to destroy families and ruin lives. Jerry’s
and Mickey’s addictions had cost each of them dearly. But there is a power that is so
much greater and offers hope to those struggling with this destructive habit. Learn how
God’s grace, and the accountability of others, helped both men to find the freedom they
desperately sought.

Liberation from abuse–by an all-powerful God–Marie’s Story

Whether it’s verbal, emotional, or physical—abusive relationships rob people of their self-worth. Eventually, many victims begin to believe that they deserve the abuse. That was case with Marie. Learn how God liberated both her body and her mind and gave her a new identity in Jesus.

Find out more of what the Bible says about “Self-Esteem – What Does The Bible…

Finding truth following a life of deception–Betty and Scott’s story

Financial stability isn’t handed to us free and clear. It’s a lot of work! When Betty and Scott came to terms with mishandling their finances . . .

Abuse, Freedom

Doris had a passing knowledge of God and knew that He was supposed to be the source of love. But the abuse and neglect she continued to experience would keep her in “survival mode” for many years, until she experienced the forgiveness that set her free.

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