Finding redemption at the foot of the cross–Darlene’s Story
Shame comes in many forms, but the outcome is always the same. It ravages your heart and leaves you feeling guilt-ridden and hopeless. Darlene was headed down a path of destruction until she embraced God’s plan for her life. Be encouraged by this powerful story of redemption.
Find out more of what the Bible says about "The Forgiveness of God."…
How long must we suffer?–Daniel’s Story
For decades, the Iron Curtain of Communism kept many people in Europe prisoners in their own country. But those ideological and political barriers couldn’t shut out the gospel of Christ! Discover how God changed a Romanian soldier into a pastor to the nations. A story of God’s provision and protection.
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Refusing bitterness–Joy’s Story
Let’s face it; life isn’t always fair and bad things do happen to good people. And while we may not always have a choice in what events intersect our lives, we do get to choose how we’ll respond. Joy discovers that God has the power to reach into the unexpected with grace, love, strength, and comfort.
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Turning to God during the difficult seasons of life–Miriam’s Story Part 1 of 2
When the doctor pronounces the worst and diagnoses the disease as fatal, where do you turn? Miriam and Bob turned to God and He faithfully carried them through the most difficult season of their lives.
Find out more of what the Bible says about "When You Don't Know What To Say."
For more information about Miriam's ministry for widows, visit…
God can restore shattered dreams–Lisa’s Story
Losing a loved one is profoundly painful, but when Lisa lost both a child and her husband, her lifetime dream of being a wife and mother was shattered. Discover how God’s grace provides strength and hope to anyone dealing with a devastating loss.
Find out more of what the Bible says about "Our Eternal Home."
We would like to thank…
The stranger’s gift–Elizabeth’s Story
With God, there’s no such thing as coincidence. Discover how a chance encounter with a benevolent stranger changed the course of Elizabeth’s life for eternity. God’s plan is at work even when you least expect it.
Find more of what the Bible says about "beyond reasonable doubt –the truth about the Bible."
An everlasting identity–Kara’s Story
So many people struggle to discover their true identity. When Kara’s world was rocked by repeated bouts with turmoil, she found herself running to God to find stability, purpose, and ultimately a new identity. Hear Kara’s heartfelt story of pain, redemption, and hope—even when it seemed like the troubles would never end.
Find out more of what the Bible says…
Finding comfort in God’s arms following an unexpected tragedy–Jan’s Story
Like any parent, Jan had hopes and dreams for her daughter Cheri’s future. But when Cheri entered college, she moved farther and farther away from her relationship with God. Hear one parent’s story of faith as her prodigal daughter searched to find her way home.
Find more of what the Bible says about "how can a parent find peace of…