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Leaving a lasting impression–James’ Story

While most children reflect the patterns they see in their parents, Jim was determined to live differently. His resolve failed him as he got older. Discover how Jim found hope and the strength to change when he learned to rely on Jesus. An encouraging reminder of the transforming power of grace.

Learn what the Bible says about "the compassion of…

The reward of transparency–Craig’s Story

Have you ever taken the time to reflect on your life and consider “where you are” as opposed to “where God wants you to be”? Discover how God helped Craig deal with the deep issues of honesty and transparency and, as a result, give hope to countless other families.

Find out more of what the Bible says about "living an authentic…

The reward of transparency–Craig’s Story

Have you ever taken the time to reflect on your life and considered “where you are” as opposed to “where God wants you to be”? Discover how God helped Craig deal with the deep issues of honesty and transparency. And as a result, Craig was able to give hope to countless other families.

Find out more about Peregrine Ministries by…

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