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We’re all saints and sinners

God has a plan for everyone. And sometimes that plan leads you places you wouldn’t expect. That was the case for both Mary Jo and John. Their journeys had nearly opposite starting points, but the endpoint is the same. Two stories of God leading His people back to Him.

The right to become children of God

What determines your life has value? Some might say it’s how much money you have, your job title, or perhaps your heritage. Jennifer and Joshua each learned it’s something completely different. Both thought it was up to them to make their mark in the world in order to prove their worth, but everything they tried left them feeling empty and hopeless. Learn how God…

A fool says in his heart, "There is no God" - Ghislaine's Story & Dawna's Story

Ghislaine considered believing in God akin to believing in leprechauns until her husband rededicated his life to Christ and her perspective began to change. Raised in a Jewish family, Dawna considered the claims of Christianity absurd until a friend showed her in the Scriptures how Yeshua—Jesus—was the promised Messiah. Find hope for your own unbelieving loved ones as you hear the amazing ways God breaks down barriers to reach hearts.

Embracing the Voice of Truth–Luke’s Story

How do you know if what you’re hearing in church is the truth? When Luke’s mother began to compare what she was being taught in church to what she was reading in the Bible, she found there were vast differences. Discover how Luke and his family found freedom from a misleading religion, and were transformed by the one true Savior,…

Embracing the Voice of Truth–Luke’s Story

How do you know if what you’re hearing in church is the truth? When Luke’s mother began to compare what she was being taught in church to what she was reading in the Bible, she found there were vast differences. Discover how Luke and his family found freedom from a misleading religion and were transformed by the one true Savior,…

Keeping God at arm’s length – Cathy’s Story

Cathy grew up thinking the Bible was simply too difficult for the average person to truly understand. That confusion kept God at arm’s length. What would it take to make a breakthrough to Cathy’s heart? Discover how the patient love of others brought out the simplicity and richness of the Scriptures that led Cathy to Christ.

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Experiencing God’s grace in the midst of deep grief–Patti’s Story

If you’ve lost a loved one, you know the heartache and struggle that loss can bring. When her husband died, Patti and her four children found that putting their trust in God was the only way to get through the day. Hear their story of grace through grief.

Find out more of what the Bible says about "anchors in the storm."…

The powerful influence of unexpected kindness – Greg’s Story

As a child, Greg was forced to escape from his stepfather’s abuse. But the unexpected kindness of strangers would help heal an eleven-year-old’s wounded heart. Learn how the compassion found at the Salvation Army changed Greg’s life forever. It not only led him to Christ, but to a lifelong commitment of reaching out to others.

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Keeping God at arm’s length – Cathy’s Story

Cathy grew up thinking the Bible was simply too difficult for the average person to truly understand. That confusion kept God at arm’s length. What would it take to make a breakthrough to Cathy’s heart? Discover how the patient love of others brought out the simplicity and richness of the Scriptures that led Cathy to Christ.

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