Escaping the trap of pornography–David’s Story
Addiction is a prison that shackles us with shame, fear, and guilt. But Jesus came to set captives free. David shares a candid tale of deliverance! Hear how God released him from pornography and set him on the path to freedom.
Making peace with their past–Mark & Lisa’s Story
The more they focused on each other, the more they lost focus on the Lord. But an unplanned pregnancy became the catalyst for Mark and Lisa to seek God’s forgiveness and mercy. Find out how one couple learned that God can use our poor choices to draw us to Him, and to impact the lives of others.
Find out more…
The Bible, Witnessing–Brent's Story
Brent and his wife stepped out in faith on a trip to the Soviet Union during the Cold War. They had no idea who would receive the copies of the Bible they secretly handed out, or that God would use their obedience in an unexpected way.
Bible, Witnessing–Brent's Story
Brent and his wife, Cindy, had no idea who would receive the copies of the Bible they secretly handed out during a trip to the Soviet Union . . .
Obedience, Success
Jeff bought into the lie that his past mistakes made him unworthy to serve God. But once he began earnestly seeking direction and