How long must we suffer?–Daniel’s Story
For decades, the Iron Curtain of Communism kept many people in Europe prisoners in their own country. But those ideological and political barriers couldn’t shut out the gospel of Christ! Discover how God changed a Romanian soldier into a pastor to the nations. A story of God’s provision and protection.
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“No man in human history ever said words like that!”–Sam’s Story
Sam felt the tension between what he had heard about Jesus and what his religious heritage said about this supposed Savior. It wasn’t until he decided to investigate the claims of Jesus for himself that Sam came to a conclusive answer. Discover how the Bible came alive and the claims of Christ became real to him.
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An ever-present comfort–Anne’s Story
When we face trials and heartaches, it can be difficult to experience joy in our journey of faith. Anne, managing editor of the Our Daily Bread devotional, found that she could be confident that God would sustain her during a difficult season of loss and help her rediscover joy. Find encouragement for whatever you’re facing.
God can restore shattered dreams–Lisa’s Story
Losing a loved one is profoundly painful, but when Lisa lost both a child and her husband, her lifetime dream of being a wife and mother was shattered. Discover how God’s grace provides strength and hope to anyone dealing with a devastating loss.
Find out more of what the Bible says about "Our Eternal Home."
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“Are you there God? Do you see me?”–Tammy’s Story
The unexpected loss of a loved one can turn our entire life upside down. The world as we know it has changed forever. Where do we turn when overwhelming grief surrounds us? Christian music artist Tammy Trent shares her inspiring story of choosing to hope in Christ in the midst of an unimaginable crisis.
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Though wars may rage; peace can be found in Jesus Christ–Phil’s Story
Shaken by the battles in his broken home, Phil joined the Marine Corps and headed to Vietnam. In the ensuing years, he struggled with a debilitating case of post-traumatic stress disorder. Discover how Phil found lasting peace through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Learn more of what the Bible says about "Anchors in The Storm."
Unrelenting turmoil transforms into grace-filled peace–Dennis’ Story
When you hear the word “sin,” what comes to mind? Dennis believed his life was contemptible in the eyes of God and that his sin was too vile for God to forgive. This is a story based on the truth of the Bible . . . not the lies Satan wants you to believe. A real-life story of forgiveness and…
Destination heaven - inspirational philosophy on death–C. W.’s Story
As followers of God, we know heaven will be a wonderful place. But when we consider the finality of death, it’s still a scary prospect! C. W., then in his final stages of cancer, teaches others how to die without fear. Discover the joy C. W. found in the Lord, and find peace about your own future.