Tag  |  Persecution

Helpless except for hope

After being deceived by her husband, Betty was distraught to learn she and her then four-year-old daughter wouldn’t be allowed to return home to America. Where in war-torn Tehran could Betty turn for help? Discover the amazing story of Betty and Mahtob Mahmoody, the mother and daughter whose stories are captured in their autobiographies Not Without My Daughter and I Am…

“I have a more powerful weapon”

In most countries, we often take for granted that we can openly study the Bible without the threat of imprisonment or persecution. Amy and Daniel share their experiences of what it’s like to be a Christian in countries where reading God’s Word can land you in prison… or worse.

Learn more about God’s grace impacting your life whatever your circumstances:…

The persecution was real

In many parts of the world, men and women must practice their religion in secret—in order to stay alive. Francis’s church in Uganda was forced underground after thousands of Christians were massacred. Bassim and his family fled war-torn Iraq to seek a better future. Hear both men tell their dramatic story of escape from religious persecution and how God moved…

The forbidden Bible

While serving a mandatory tour of duty in the Russian army, Fiodor hungered for the
Word of God to sustain him. His prayers to receive a then-forbidden copy of the Bible
would soon be answered in an extraordinary way. It wasn’t until years later, after Fiodor
came to America, that he would discover exactly how God had orchestrated that miracle.…

Torture and persecution will not prevail–Kodjo’s Story and Volodya’s Story

Kodjo and Volodya lived in very different parts of the world, yet both shared a belief in Christ that was tested to the limits of human endurance. Even torture and persecution could not stop these two men from sharing their faith. Be encouraged as you share the love of Jesus Christ with others and step out in faith.

We would…

How long must we suffer? – Daniel’s Story

Eastern Europe in the 1970s was a place of darkness, sealed off from the world by the Iron Curtain of Communism. But even in times of oppression, the gospel of Jesus Christ continues to break through. Learn how Daniel, a Romanian soldier, had his life set free from hatred and revenge by an encounter with the living God.


With God on your side nothing is impossible!–Titi’s Story

Most of us will never live under intense persecution for our faith. But growing up in Communist Romania meant that persecution was a daily ritual for Titi. Find out how God strengthened the Romanian church to not only live under Communist rule, but to boldly witness to their persecutors as well.

How long must we suffer?–Daniel’s Story

For decades, the Iron Curtain of Communism kept many people in Europe prisoners in their own country. But those ideological and political barriers couldn’t shut out the gospel of Christ! Discover how God changed a Romanian soldier into a pastor to the nations. A story of God’s provision and protection.

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Even life-threatening persecution cannot silence God–Francis’s Story

In the United States, we’re free to follow Jesus honestly and openly. But in many parts of the world, men and women must practice their religion in secret—in order to stay alive. Hear Francis tell his dramatic story of escape from religious persecution.

We would like to thank WCRV Radio Station in Memphis, Tennessee, for partnering with us for this…

“No man in human history ever said words like that!”–Sam’s Story

Sam felt the tension between what he had heard about Jesus and what his religious heritage said about this supposed Savior. It wasn’t until he decided to investigate the claims of Jesus for himself that Sam came to a conclusive answer. Discover how the Bible came alive and the claims of Christ became real to him.

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