Tag  |  Provision

Nothing can separate us from the love of God

Illness is something that affects us all. But many people struggle with an illness that cannot be seen. Lakisha and Amy share how God comforted them in the midst of mental illness. They found life and hope in Him and in the “words to live by” found in Scripture.

Please find the resource mentioned in the program here. https://ourdailybread.org/conversations/grace-for-troubled-minds-christian-perspectives-on-mental-health/

Nothing can separate us from the love of God

On this edition of Words to Live By you’ll hear stories from two women who desperately needed the assurance of God’s love in the midst of their pain. The childhood abuse that caused brain trauma thrust LaKisha into a lifelong battle with clinical depression. And Amy’s family cared for her mother, who struggled with
schizophrenia. Discover how they learned that nothing…

How long must we suffer? – Daniel’s Story

Eastern Europe in the 1970s was a place of darkness, sealed off from the world by the Iron Curtain of Communism. But even in times of oppression, the gospel of Jesus Christ continues to break through. Learn how Daniel, a Romanian soldier, had his life set free from hatred and revenge by an encounter with the living God.


How long must we suffer?–Daniel’s Story

For decades, the Iron Curtain of Communism kept many people in Europe prisoners in their own country. But those ideological and political barriers couldn’t shut out the gospel of Christ! Discover how God changed a Romanian soldier into a pastor to the nations. A story of God’s provision and protection.

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“This is the captain, please brace for impact . . .”–Chris & Karin’s Story

When Chris and Karin’s jet left the airport, they thought they were simply headed home. Yet just three minutes into their flight they heard those dreaded words . . . “brace for impact!” You’ll be inspired by the courage, faith, and prayers of this young couple who relied on God in the midst of tragedy.

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She prayed and waited, and then God answered!–Joanna’s Story

There are moments that define our lives forever. Moments that can rock us if we’re not standing on a firm foundation. Joanna tells us how a devastating accident impacted her world, but never shook her trust in a faithful God. How do you handle those unexpected moments when life seems cruel?

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Find out more about what the Bible says about…

A life-changing provision for His child–Anita’s Story

Despite severe poverty and divorce, Anita’s mother instilled in her children gratitude toward God for the many blessings He had bestowed on their family in India. Discover how God provided in extraordinary ways and changed a life in the process!

Learn more of what the Bible says about "The Compassion of Jesus."

“This is the captain, please brace for impact . . .”–Chris & Karin’s Story

Can you imagine hearing those very words? What would you do? When Chris and Karin’s jet left LaGuardia Airport in New York City they thought they were simply headed home. Yet just three minutes into their flight they heard those dreaded words. You’ll be inspired by the courage, faith, and prayers of this young couple who relied on God in the midst…

A life-changing provision for His child – Anita’s Story

Despite severe poverty and divorce, Anita’s mother instilled gratitude in her children toward God—for the many blessings He had bestowed on their family in India. Discover how God provided in extraordinary ways, and changed a life in the process!

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