Tag  |  salvation

God has not forgotten you

Because of sin, the Bible says that we are alienated from God. But as Amanda and Kathryn discovered, God’s love is reaching out to those who are farthest from Him, even those behind prison bars.

Trusting God’s plan when we’re hurting

There are times in our lives when we’re reminded of just how much we need God. That’s what Amanda experienced when her daughter Chloe was born prematurely, and it’s what Erin and Jason faced even as Jason slipped into a coma. Hear how God brings healing and peace to broken hearts.

You are worthy, you are loved

The pain of rejection can lead us to feel trapped by our sin and circumstances. But the beauty of Christ’s sacrifice is that we are always loved by God. That’s the truth that Becky experienced in her life too!


We’re all saints and sinners

God has a plan for everyone. And sometimes that plan leads you places you wouldn’t expect. That was the case for both Mary Jo and John. Their journeys had nearly opposite starting points, but the endpoint is the same. Two stories of God leading His people back to Him.

Sharper than any double-edged sword

Perhaps you’ve heard someone say that “Christianity is a crutch.” Graham heard that statement often from his dad growing up. And though Steve was raised in the church, it would be in prison that he truly turned to Jesus  Christ. Two remarkable journeys and how God is using these men today.



The reason for the hope that you have

After a childhood of turmoil and abuse, John didn’t know any other way to live. Dmitri thought that all the church wanted was his money. Hear how God renewed both of these men’s lives. Perhaps you’re wondering if there’s a way to overcome your own hurts and hang-ups. Don’t miss this inspirational story on Words to Live By.

For it is by grace you have been saved

It seems no matter what they tried, Jose and Erika struggled to find contentment and satisfaction in their lives. From the time Rick was a little boy he faced abandonment issues leaving him with a deep sense of betrayal and resentment. Discover how hope and contentment can be found through the patient love of Jesus Christ.

A church behind the walls

Raised in a legalistic religious home, David’s rebellion led him straight to the jungles of war-torn Vietnam, while Jerry’s dangerous and dysfunctional upbringing led him to a lifestyle that earned him a lengthy prison sentence. Discover how both men received the love of Jesus Christ, and how His gift of grace gave them each a ministry they never expected! Be…

Finding peace from the rage within

An abusive childhood left John with deep emotional wounds, which festered into a
simmering rage that followed him into adulthood and marriage. Tony grew up feeling unwanted and unloved. Even after marrying and starting a family of his own, his anger led to verbal and physical abuse. But God can restore even the hardest of hearts as well as marriages and families.

“I thought Christianity was a crutch”

Have you ever doubted God’s existence? What about the Bible? Do you believe that it’s the inspired Word of God that Christ’s followers believe it to be? Well, Jodi put her faith in the big bang theory and Russell believed faith was for the weak. Learn how they both discovered a God who loved them before they ever realized that a loving God…

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