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God brings you through the fire

What defines happiness? A job you like, a loving spouse, some measure of fame? As
one of the world-famous Harlem Globetrotters, Derick seemed to have it all, but still felt
miserably unhappy. Learn how he found what he’d been desperately looking for . . . and so
much more.

A resource just for you: Resilient: Your Invitation to a Jesus-Shaped…

No more chasing after the wind

Discontentment is something that can impact even those who seem to “have it all.”
Ryan and LaMorris share their stories of finding true, lasting contentment at the Source of
all satisfaction.

A resource just for you: Resilient: Your Invitation to a Jesus-Shaped Life
Bible study DVD and guide by Sheridan Voysey.

Learn more about what the Bible says
about contentment: Missing the Mission? Disciples…

What is my purpose? God’s love in action

It’s Easter, and it’s the perfect time to reflect on God’s great love! Hear the stories of
Josh, who finds that no amount of running can separate him from God’s love, and Matt,
who learns that the love of Jesus gives us life abundantly!

Living life at 96 miles per hour

When Major League Baseball Pitcher Dan Naulty’s team won the World Series, he wasn’t thinking of celebrating with his teammates—he was thinking of jumping off a bridge. That’s how empty he felt inside. Find out how Dan’s fluctuating morality led him to a crisis point and how God met him in the midst of his journey.

The right to become children of God

What determines your life has value? Some might say it’s how much money you have, your job title, or perhaps your heritage. Jennifer and Joshua each learned it’s something completely different. Both thought it was up to them to make their mark in the world in order to prove their worth, but everything they tried left them feeling empty and hopeless. Learn how God…

Experiencing God’s grace in the midst of deep grief–Patti’s Story

If you’ve lost a loved one, you know the heartache and struggle that loss can bring. When her husband died, Patti and her four children found that putting their trust in God was the only way to get through the day. Hear their story of grace through grief.

Find out more of what the Bible says about "anchors in the storm."…

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