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Learning together in Christ – Kevin’s Story

Following Kevin’s search for truth, he made the decision to follow Christ wholeheartedly, a choice that changed his life forever! Learn how God sustained and nurtured one man’s faith and used it in a powerful way to help others grow in their walk with God.

We would like to thank Maranatha Bible & Missionary Bible Conference in Muskegon, Michigan, for…

Finding a spark of Light in her darkest hour–Sharry’s Story

A violent, abusive marriage and unrelenting drug addiction left Sharry homeless and estranged from her family. Discover how God brought healing to Sharry and her entire family through the support of a church and local mission.

The powerful influence of unexpected kindness – Greg’s Story

As a child, Greg was forced to escape from his stepfather’s abuse. But the unexpected kindness of strangers would help heal an eleven-year-old’s wounded heart. Learn how the compassion found at the Salvation Army changed Greg’s life forever. It not only led him to Christ, but to a lifelong commitment of reaching out to others.

We would like to thank…

Keeping God at arm’s length – Cathy’s Story

Cathy grew up thinking the Bible was simply too difficult for the average person to truly understand. That confusion kept God at arm’s length. What would it take to make a breakthrough to Cathy’s heart? Discover how the patient love of others brought out the simplicity and richness of the Scriptures that led Cathy to Christ.

We would like to…

8000 miles: Stepping out in faith – Albert’s Story

Albert’s desire to reach others with the gospel of Jesus Christ led him to leave his homeland of Zimbabwe to study at a Christian college in the U.S. Even though he had little funding and no clear plan of how his dream would be fulfilled, he stepped out in faith to see God provide in an amazing way.

We would…

With God on your side, nothing is impossible!–Titi’s Story

Most of us will never live under intense persecution for our faith. But for Titi, growing up in Communist Romania meant persecution was a daily reality. Find out how God strengthened His people to not only live under Communist rule, but to boldly witness to their persecutors as well.

Discovering his identity in Christ changed his outlook forever–Jeff’s Story

Following a rough start at home that left him wondering where he fit in, Jeff thought he’d found his identity as a football player. But when this former NFL player’s high school girlfriend gave her life to Christ, he wondered if maybe he was missing something.

We would like to thank KTIS Radio in St. Paul, Minnesota, for partnering with…

Discovering the one relationship that will never let you down–Jeff’s Story

So often we look to our career, our relationships, even our accomplishments to fulfill us, only to come up empty. Jeff discovered . . .

In the midst of chaos, hold tight to the hope found in Christ–Mallery’s Story

On Tuesday, January 12, 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake shook the foundations of Haiti to the ground. Find inspiration from a firsthand account of the relief effort of Mallery, a young woman integrally connected to the Haitian people through her work at a clinic, school, and orphanage in Port-au-Prince.

A career path altered by God–Stanton and Lorie’s Story

As followers of God, we know in our heads we’re supposed to trust in God in all circumstances. But when tough times come, does that head knowledge make its way . . .

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