Tag  |  shame

They didn’t tell me the truth

All of us have made decisions we regret and suffered the consequences. Though Bob’s decision had caused great harm, he finally found peace when he accepted God’s forgiveness. Luann’s decision to have an abortion left a deep wound in her heart. After suffering ten years of panic attacks, she finally brought what she had done into the light, finding the healing power of God’s love. Discover how to find freedom from the pain of your own regret.

Escaping the trap of pornography–David’s Story

Addiction is a prison that shackles us with shame, fear, and guilt. But Jesus came to set captives free. David shares a candid tale of deliverance! Hear how God released him from pornography and set him on the path to freedom.

A secret shame revealed allows God’s healing – Morna’s Story

When Morna was sexually assaulted on her college campus, she vowed never to tell a soul. But years later, a family tragedy brought her secret to light. Discover how God brought healing to Morna and her entire family.

We would like to thank KMBI Radio in Spokane, Washington, for partnering with us on this week’s story.

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