Escaping the trap of pornography–David’s Story
The bondage of sin casts us into a prison of shame, fear, and guilt. But Jesus came to free us from those chains! Discover how God delivered one man from an addiction to pornography and set him on the path to freedom.
Find out more of what the Bible says about "when we just can't stop: overcoming addition."
The reward of transparency–Craig’s Story
Have you ever taken the time to reflect on your life and considered “where you are” as opposed to “where God wants you to be”? Discover how God helped Craig deal with the deep issues of honesty and transparency. And as a result, Craig was able to give hope to countless other families.
Find out more about Peregrine Ministries by…
Unrelenting turmoil transforms into grace-filled peace–Dennis’ Story
When you hear the word “sin,” what comes to mind? Dennis believed his life was contemptible in the eyes of God and that his sin was too vile for God to forgive. This is a story based on the truth of the Bible . . . not the lies Satan wants you to believe. A real-life story of forgiveness and…
Finding relief from uncontrollable anger – John’s Story
Bitterness, anger, resentment—John had a mass of tangled emotions inside him from his difficult youth. No matter how hard he tried not to, he still ended up lashing out at the people he loved. Find out how God turned John’s life around and how He can change your life, too!
We would like to thank WCRH Radio in Williamsport, Maryland,…
Finding redemption at the foot of the Cross–Darlene’s Story
Shame comes in many forms, but the outcome is always the same. It ravages your heart and leaves you feeling guilt-ridden and hopeless. You'll be encouraged . . .