Tag  |  suffering

God is enough

Is God really enough? In the face of losing a child, the grief can feel overwhelming. But as Mindy and Arlen found, God is more than enough. Discover God’s comfort and security for whatever you’re facing, even when you grieve.


Since the time Arlen's story was recorded, Hannah's cancer has returned.  She has just completed a round of chemotherapy…

How long must we suffer? – Daniel’s Story

Eastern Europe in the 1970s was a place of darkness, sealed off from the world by the Iron Curtain of Communism. But even in times of oppression, the gospel of Jesus Christ continues to break through. Learn how Daniel, a Romanian soldier, had his life set free from hatred and revenge by an encounter with the living God.


How long must we suffer?–Daniel’s Story

For decades, the Iron Curtain of Communism kept many people in Europe prisoners in their own country. But those ideological and political barriers couldn’t shut out the gospel of Christ! Discover how God changed a Romanian soldier into a pastor to the nations. A story of God’s provision and protection.

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A secret shame revealed allows God’s healing – Morna’s Story

When Morna was sexually assaulted on her college campus, she vowed never to tell a soul. But years later, a family tragedy brought her secret to light. Discover how God brought healing to Morna and her entire family.

We would like to thank KMBI Radio in Spokane, Washington, for partnering with us on this week’s story.

In the midst of chaos, hold tight to the hope found in Christ–Mallery’s Story

On Tuesday, January 12, 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake shook the foundations of Haiti to the ground. Find inspiration from a firsthand account of the relief effort of Mallery, a young woman integrally connected to the Haitian people through her work at a clinic, school, and orphanage in Port-au-Prince.

Find encouragement and strength to persevere through suffering–Mike's Story

When a motorcycle accident left Mike without the use of his legs at age twenty, he thought his life was over. But God had other plans . . .


We would like to thank Sandy Cove Ministries in North East, Maryland for partnering with us on this week's story.

Liberation from abuse-by an all-powerful God–Marie’s Story

If you, or a loved one, have suffered from an abusive relationship, you know the self-doubt it brings. Physical, verbal, and emotional abuse had affected Marie’s self-esteem so much, she actually . . .

A secret shame revealed allows God’s healing–Morna’s Story

When Morna was sexually assaulted on her college campus, she vowed never to tell a soul. But years later, a family tragedy . . .

Find encouragement and strength to persevere through suffering–Mike’s Story

When Mike was injured in a devastating motorcycle accident his life was changed forever . . .

Health, Perseverance–Brandt and Heather's Story

While hospitalized after a car accident, to his shock and surprise, Brandt discovered he had a brain tumor. The diagnosis was grave, with three to four weeks to live. Brandt and Heather tell their story of hope and healing.

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