Finding hope in one of life’s toughest struggles–Larry & Lisa’s Story
As parents, we all want to have strong, healthy children. But in our fallen world, that’s not always the case. Hear about God’s miraculous provision for Lisa and Larry following the birth of their third child.
Find out more of what the Bible says about "Out of the Ashes: God's Presence in Job's Pain."
In the midst of the chaos God can be trusted–Keith & Kim’s Story
Children fill a family with warmth and joy. But for couples who can’t conceive, it may feel like there’s a gaping hole in the home. Keith and Kim share how God turned their struggle with infertility into a redemptive plan for their lives. Find hope when you’re at your wits’ end.
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How long must we suffer?–Daniel’s Story
For decades, the Iron Curtain of Communism kept many people in Europe prisoners in their own country. But those ideological and political barriers couldn’t shut out the gospel of Christ! Discover how God changed a Romanian soldier into a pastor to the nations. A story of God’s provision and protection.
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When life gets you down, find a lifeline in Jesus–Mary Ann’s Story
When a difficult situation threatens to drag us down, we can either let ourselves fall or surrender to the only One who can lift us up. Learn how Mary Ann found a lifeline in God’s Word, when it felt like her world was falling apart.
Find out more of what the Bible says about “Beyond Reasonable Doubt: The Truth About…
Turning to God during the difficult seasons of life–Miriam’s Story Part 1 of 2
When the doctor pronounces the worst and diagnoses the disease as fatal, where do you turn? Miriam and Bob turned to God and He faithfully carried them through the most difficult season of their lives.
Find out more of what the Bible says about "When You Don't Know What To Say."
For more information about Miriam's ministry for widows, visit…
The stranger’s gift–Elizabeth’s Story
With God, there’s no such thing as coincidence. Discover how a chance encounter with a benevolent stranger changed the course of Elizabeth’s life for eternity. God’s plan is at work even when you least expect it.
Find more of what the Bible says about "beyond reasonable doubt –the truth about the Bible."